I quit…Now What?

Here’s how to level up your life in 90 days after you decide to quit your 9 to 5.

You wake up early and don’t feel all that rested. You get ready for work and put in 8 hours (or more) on the job before you come home too tired to do much else than shower and get into bed. Then you do it all over again the next day. You might have two days off each week but on those days you’re running errands, taking care of your kids, and trying to stay sane.

And then one day, you decide you’re done, and you quit the job.

Does this sound familiar?

Working a 9 to 5 can be an exhausting job…and your intuition will tell you when enough is enough and it’s time for a change.

Do you believe that change is to finally start your own business and earn the income you need your way? If so, you’re in the right place!


Related article: 6 Businesses You Can Start Overnight with Your Skills

If you’ve recently quit your job, keep reading because we’re going to dive into how to spend the next 90 days to be your own boss!


Take a good look at your cash and assets

Once you quit your job, your main source has stopped so now it’s time to get clear on your financial situation and move forward with clarity.

You should review financial documents like:

  • Your credit history and score
  • Your checking account balance
  • Your savings account balance
  • Your retirement account balance (401k, IRA, etc.)
  • Your investments and assets (stocks and bonds, property like land, cars, etc.)

How you use your money the first 90 days after you quit creates the landscape for your business launch. You’ll need to be able to take care of your current expenses as well as business expenses (like business loans and overhead costs such as office supplies or shipping fees).


Create a spending and savings plan

Like we mentioned above, how you manage your money during your first 90 days is crucial.

Once you know your financial situation, it’s time to build a spending and savings plan. Your plan can be based on weekly or monthly spending and savings (you can decide based on when your bills are due).

Either way, your spending and savings plan should include the following:

  • Your current cash and assets
  • Your fixed expenses (rent or mortgage, utilities, insurance, etc.)
  • Your flexible expenses (groceries, take-out meals, clothing, etc.)
  • Your financial goals (like your new business!)

Then, use your money according to the 50/30/20 rule. The 50/30/20 rule goes like this: 50% of your income goes to fixed expenses or needs, 30% of your income goes to flexible expenses or wants (it’s still okay to treat yourself if it’s within your budget!), and 20% of your income goes to savings.



Cut out expenses that don’t align with your vision

When you look at your spending and savings plan, you’ll notice right away what expenses can be reduced or cut out altogether. Maybe that’s cable, new clothes, or subscriptions like Netflix.

While I’ll always advocate for self-care, it’s essential during these first 90 days to practice self-care without sacrificing your income.

That means if you have to go without those spa trips for a bit, but there are other (free) ways to self-care, mama!

You’re on the road to becoming your own boss, so keep that vision in mind to fund your dream.


Convert your skill into a business

You’ve organized your finances, created your spending and savings plan, and now you’re officially ready to start building your business!

If you’re not sure what kind of business to start, think about your passions and hobbies. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? What are you talented at and wouldn’t mind doing if someone paid you? This is the foundation for launching a business based on your skills—a.k.a. Turning your passions into profit!

Related article: 75 Small Business Ideas for Under $5,000

For example, if you love sewing cute outfits for your children or family, you can produce a children’s apparel line. If you love creating cool graphics and images on Canva or Adobe, you can become a website graphic designer. Or if you like to be organized and you’re money savvy, you can start a bookkeeping service.


Start living your dream life sooner rather than later

The last step to transition from working a 9 to 5 to running your own business is creating your Roadmap to Profit.

This is your complete business strategy with action steps to build your services or products, create a website, and start connecting with your dream clients to make your first sale!

As a business coach and CEO of 3 businesses, I’ve been right where you are, mama. I stepped out on faith after I quit my job and decided to commit myself 100% to being my own boss. It’s not always the easiest career, but I’m grateful that I followed my passions and started businesses that earn $10K a month. If I can do it, I know you can, too!

If you need help getting started, let’s talk. Book a free consultation here with me to start turning your passion into profit.




Marian is a writer from Florida who loves finding the words to make a meaningful impact on readers. With a background in journalism and copywriting, Marian is big on strategic, heart-centered storytelling. When she’s not writing for work, she enjoys writing for pleasure, like poetry and short stories. Marian is the founder of Words by Marian.

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