Ask The Virgo Girl: I Write About Sex for a Living

Missy B. Salick. Virgo Girl’s Editor-in-Chief is passionate about helping creative’s and small businesses turn their passion into profit. She just launched The Virgo Girl Coaching, an extension of the lifestyle blog The Virgo Girl. 

Here, she shares advice on all things business. 


Sex sells and I write about it for a living. It drives my boyfriend of three years crazy, but he can’t say much because it pays the bills. He lost his job six months ago, and since he’s home he’s being more aggressive and vocal about how much he hates my job. I do above average with writing erotica short stories and is able to live off my writing. The problem is I have to visual see certain acts to write about them, therefore, I’m a frequent visitor at strip clubs, swingers clubs, and you get the idea. My boyfriend feels very insecure about the lifestyle that I end up in. Although, I’ve invited him to attend he doesn’t want to be a part of it. I love him deeply, but I love my writing more and I’m ready to kick his ass to the curb. But I want to be supportive and understanding of him, however, I don’t think he’s being supportive of me.

Advice from Missy: Time will tell they say.  It sounds like you are in between two worlds that are constantly clashing with each other and you don’t know what to do?  What’s important for you?  In other words, what would life look like for you if you were not in this predicament?  Your career and your relationship need to compliment your life, not conflict with it.  So, how do you find joy in one or the other or possibly…..both?

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