Ask The Virgo Girl: Is It Wrong to Block Clients that Get too Friendly with Me?

Is It Wrong to Block Clients

Missy B. Salick. Virgo Girl’s Editor-in-Chief is passionate about helping creative’s and small businesses turn their passion into profit. She just launched The Virgo Girl Coaching, an extension of the lifestyle blog The Virgo Girl. 

Here, she shares advice on all things business. 


Hi the Virgo Girl. I run a small home-based graphic design company. Being a startup I don’t have the funds right now to have a business phone or address. I conduct all my business from my home and meet people at local coffee shops, etc. I use my personal cell for both business and pleasure. I met a gentleman at a networking event who wanted my services to redo his website. We met twice in public and chatted several times before engaging in a contract. He was very professional and stern concerning what he wanted. Once the contract was signed and he paid the initial deposit, things took a turn. He began to call and text me at inappropriate hours, send me flirty pictures, requested me on my social media pages. I kindly asked him on numerous occasions to keep this professional as I had a boyfriend and was not interested in partaking in anything personal with a client. He ignored me and started sending flowers to my home.

The last straw was when he showed up at my house. I wondered how he got my address and he told me that it was listed on my PayPal invoice, which I completely forgot about. I was terrified! I called the cops and filed a restraining order. I tried to put myself out there a few months after the incident, but another guy got too friendly and I blocked him before it could escalate to another bad situation. Moving forward, I’m so scared to get back out there if I can’t afford the proper route of having a business phone and office. Am I doing the right thing by blocking clients who are too friendly with me, or am I being paranoid?

Advice from Missy: Unfortunately love, shit like this is a part of being a woman in the business. I wish I could say that he was the last jerk who will cross the line, but the sad truth is the #MeToo movement is real and so are the assholes who try to take advantage. I remember a business relationship I had with a gentleman while doing a favor for a family member went terribly wrong. He sexually assaulted me and took advantage because he no longer wanted to agree to the terms of our business arrangement. He definitely got blocked, among other things.

While dealing with situations like this completely sucks and leaves you feeling confused and scared, don’t quit and give them that power. You are a strong, beautiful, independent person who deserves to run a business without being harassed. Get a PO box to use as your mailing address that you can put on your invoices, payment information, etc., instead of your home address. Set your business hours from 9 to 6, or whatever you are comfortable with, and if someone calls/texts before or after those hours, do not respond until during business hours. Set up a small screening process to wean out people who aren’t serious about your services; perhaps have them fill out a client form, check out their social media pages and information, then contact them first from a private number and go from there.


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