Jump-start Your Goals for the New Year

Hello December!

Most of you will vow to do a host of things in 2015. Some will pledge to eat healthier, lose weight, mingle more, work harder, add more products to your company offerings, and get a promotion or a better job, and so forth. I’m sure by now you have been figuring out what worked this year for your business and what didn’t and how you can change it for the better. You’ve probably set up a twelve-month goal chart for your business strategy for next year.

Repeat after me and fill in the blank:


The time to change is NOW, not next year. What are we waiting for? Let’s get off our behinds and starting working toward those goals now. Why can’t we use the little time we have left this year to make a big impact and close 2014 with a BANG! After all, we are go-getters, driven by passion and short-term
deadlines. We don’t need a full calendar year to achieve accomplishments that count. Let’s embrace these last few weeks of 2014 and bring in the New Year by saying, Hey, I’ve already scratched X, Y, and Z off my goal list with the following accomplishments. What have you done?

Use this chart to help you jump-start your goal list this year. Start small with three goals or fewer both personally and professionally that you can realistically complete by December 31.

Business Goals



  1. Follow and engage with ten to fifteen people on social media to build relationships.
  2. Take a DIY course in Photoshop or some other creative software that you usually hire someone to use for your creative task.
  3. Hire a team of professionals to help take your business to the next level.

Personal Goals


  1. Start planning and preparing for the holiday season at the beginning of the month instead of at the last minute.
  2. Find ways to reduce your stress level of running a business.
  3. Spend one day with family and/or friends and turn off your phone, computer, and any other electronic devices.

I am going to check back with you mid-month so let’s get started. I want to hear from you on what you’re planning to accomplish this month.



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