Keys to Maintaining Your Health Throughout the Winter Months

During the cold winter months, bacterial and viral illnesses run rampant. When family, friends, and coworkers struggle to fight off a head cold or the flu, it seems inevitable that you’ll be hit as well. Here are some ways to maintain your health during these frigid months and keep you performing at your best!

  • LAYER UP. Keep warm by layering your clothes—undershirts, leggings, wool socks, gloves, hats, etc. Always have a scarf on hand to protect your neck from the cold air and make sure to invest in proper footwear for rain, ice, and snow.Screen Shot 2015-02-12 at 6.54.04 PM
  • WASH YOUR HANDS. Regularly wash your hands with antibacterial soap. Keep hand sanitizer in your bag for times when a bathroom isn’t easily accessible.
  • HYDRATE. Even in the winter months it’s important to drink water to flush toxins from your body. Flavored hot tea is a great alternative if you want to switch things up.
  • STRETCH. Stretching daily will keep your muscles from cramping up, especially   after a strenuous workout outside. Sign up for a yoga or Pilates class to keep   your muscles warm and flexible.
  •  INVEST IN AN AIR PURIFIER. During the winter we tend to hibernate, so keep an air purifier in your home. They remove dust particles, reduce odors, eliminate mold and fungus, remove bacteria, and destroy airborne viruses!

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