A Look into the World of LoveBrownSugar

The brand. The style. The hair. The new blog. Christina Brown, the CEO and owner of 10675523_10152602486827219_4342898610184671944_nLoveBrownSugar, chats with us about her journey into motherhood and flexing her entrepreneurial muscles.

Brown admits that LoveBrownSugar.com (LBS) started as a hobby but credits its success to her loyal readers and her ability to leverage her unique perspective: “I felt there was an absence of voices like mine online, for women of color, and in fashion magazines as well.”

LoveBrownSugar is replete with product reviews, hairstyle and wardrobe inspiration, and also highlights Brown’s other endeavors. This past weekend she cohosted a vision-board party with the Live Your Dream Tour in New York City. About this Brown says, “It was a natural partnership for me since I’ve blogged about creating vision boards before.”

Last month she celebrated her five-year blogiversary with a holiday pop-up shop in Brooklyn that connected local businesses and bloggers. “I want to do more live events like the pop-up shop. And meet more of my readers,” Brown says about her next moves. If you were lucky enough to attend the event then you know that LoveBrownSugar has a baby.

Christina launched BabyBrownSugar.com (BBS) as a platform to speak on her experiences as a new mom. She explains that, “Motherhood, similar to being an entrepreneur, adds another layer to life,” and that “motherhood is one of the most exciting journeys a woman can take.” Although a new mom, she hasn’t traded in her role as entrepreneur. “I treat LBS and BBS differently because they serve different audiences,” she says.

She credits motherhood with improving her multitasking skills, taking her into superwoman mode to get the job done.  She doesn’t expect her daughter to follow in her footsteps by being a blogger but hopes she will heed the advice her own parents gave her about expressing herself and achieving her goals.

Questions from our Virgo Girls:

What are some must-attend blogger events?  

Christina: The Lucky magazine FABB (Fashion and Beauty Blogger) Conference; I went once before and had a great time! Also, the Essence Music Festival; it’s great, especially for beauty and fashion bloggers. Myself and a few other bloggers are participating in the NOLA Crawl Style Sweep. And of course Blogging while Black. The events will depend on the industry you blog about.

What would you tell your 21-year-old self? 150749_10152568564612219_386458473023249334_n

Christina: That it’s going to be OK.

I start my day with ____?

Christina: Prayer. I’m grounded in spirituality and pray regularly.

If you could invite any woman to dinner, who would it be and why?

Christina: I know every woman will say this but Oprah Winfrey. She’s inspiring and perseveres!

Best advice you ever received?

Christina: A few weeks before a major entrance exam for a specialized high school, I wanted to give up because I felt at a disadvantage because other students had private tutors and whatnot. My mom said “Never let your mind stop you before you even start.” She was telling me to work really hard and go for it.

Life motto you live by?

Christina: Everything happens for a reason, good or bad.

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