Manifest Your Life: 9 Beginner Tips

Manifest Your Life: 9 Beginner Tips

The Law of Attraction is not some magic spell that means we can manifest anything we desire in life. It just means we must be open and receptive to the many possibilities available and hold an optimistic belief that they will come true. These 9 tips for beginners give an introduction to how this process works:

#1 Stop Focusing on What You Don’t Want

“What you resist persists.” – Carl Jung.

This saying gets repeated over and over again by Law of Attraction teachers because it’s so vital in understanding how the LOA works. We are not meant to live in a state of perpetual negativity, but rather one that is neutral or positive. When you focus on something you don’t want, especially if it’s your current situation, more of what you don’t want will be drawn to you.

TIP: So instead of saying, “I don’t want to be stuck at a 9-5 job,” focus on something like “I want to have my own self-sufficient business by the end of this year.”

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Manifest Your Life: 9 Beginner Tips

#2 Surrender to What Is

The ego has a nasty habit of wanting instant gratification, which is why it’s so easy to give in to negative thoughts often associated with “the now.” Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that this moment could be any better than it is. Yes, you may not like your job or that annoying person at work, but there are also millions of people who would kill for a job or wish they had somebody they can’t stand to live with.

TIP: Rather focus on uncovering your why. What do you really want for yourself, and why do you want it?

#3 Treat Everything as an Experiment

When you first start out on this journey of discovery (aka life), try to walk through the world like a child who has never seen anything before. Absolutely everything is an opportunity for learning because nobody knows what’s going to happen next. You need to be aware of these risks or else suffer the consequences, but at the same time, don’t let them stop you from being open to what can be.

TIP: Be open and ask the universe what you want. There are many methods to ask for what you want. Choose the one the suits you best: journaling, vision board, meditation, prayer, etc.

#4 Treat Everybody as if They’re Your Equal Even the Most Privileged Person in the World Is Still Just a Human Being

At first glance, it may seem that somebody with more money or better looks has everything they could ever want, right? Not exactly true because even these people have problems and struggles to deal with daily. Money isn’t perfect happiness, and neither is fame, beauty, etc.

TIP: The power of gratitude makes it easy to judge others if you are not grateful for where you are and who you are. Practice gratitude daily.

Related Article: Be Thankful this Thanksgiving

Manifest Your Life: 9 Beginner Tips

#5 You Are Your Biggest Obstacle

You’ve probably been told this before, but once you start to take it seriously, your entire universe will shift for the better – just like that! The most complicated challenge people face is themselves because it’s something nobody else can fix or change for them. You have everything you need already within you, so stop looking outside of yourself for the resources necessary to make good things happen in life.

TIP: Trust and believe in the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction refers to our capability to attract in what we believe.

Trust is also critical when trying to manifest your life. Trust is needed when things don’t seem to be happening at your ideal time.

#6 Your Body Is Your Temple

Your physical vehicle is what carries you through this world – make sure it’s well taken care of! What would happen if there was a big explosion on the road? Then all of a sudden, you’re hit by a speeding car. It would be tough not only for yourself but everyone around you if you had to deal with significant injuries or chronic pain each day.

TIP: This also applies to your health, the unseen killers like diabetes, skin cancer, etc. You need to understand self-care. Else even if you manifest your perfect life, you will not be able to enjoy it.

Related Article: Fall into a Self-Care Staycation

Manifest Your Life: 9 Beginner Tips

#7 Be Self-Aware & Accept Responsibility for What Happens in Your Life

To change things around for yourself, you need first to be aware of what you’re doing – which means being honest with yourself about specific patterns that may exist. If you think somebody has rejected you because they don’t like your personality or your hair color, chances are there’s something else going on that nobody has pointed out yet.

TIP: Sometimes, we pray for things to manifest and get upset that things are not going as planned. From what I have learned, taking small steps or actions toward your dreams will amplify the chances of manifesting them. Try for yourself.

#8 Speak Up Against Injustice & Make Your Voice Heard

The greatest danger is to remain silent, especially when things need to change. Whatever they’re calling “the establishment” these days, it’s vital to seek out opposing views and voices to challenge yourself with them. Expose yourself to as many different perspectives as possible because this will help you grow stronger in spirit – even if some of what you hear makes no sense at all.

TIP: Ditch what is holding you back. The two main challenges that interfere with manifestation today are a negative mindset and toxic people. Foresight and awareness are the best way to combat them.

#9 Make Sacrifices When It’s Necessary & Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

You’ve heard this one before too, but that’s because it’s very accurate! No matter your objective, whether it be money, fame, power, etc., people will judge you for it, and you’ll have to make sacrifices to get there. That means doing uncomfortable things, so don’t ever think these opportunities won’t cost anything; they always come at a price.

TIP: Reinforce Your Desires

There are many tools you can use to help you stay focused and committed to your dreams. A few of my favorites are:

  • Journaling
  • Affirmations
  • Vision boards
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