Meet Antonette Taylor, Founder of Always Love Being

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Manifest your Business: Meet Antonette Taylor, Founder of Always Love Being   


Hi Antonette, we’re so glad to have you here on the blog. You founded Always Love Being to empower others with inspirational messages. What inspired the name of your company?

A: When I came up with our company name, I thought of each of us (myself and my two children who co-founded the company with me).  I knew I wanted to use the initial from each of our names. Always (Antonette) Love (Lauryn) Being (Brandon).  Always Love Being also represents our hope for each person we touch with our story.  Our hope is that everyone loves being who they are.


How did you decide on T-shirts as your medium?

A:  I love t-shirts and inspirational messages.  When my daughter went through her first battle, I knew I wanted to do something that would help us raise money and awareness for the organizations that were about to touch our lives. I didn’t know who those organizations would be at that moment.  But I knew I wanted to give back and that is when the idea came to me.


You began this company with your co-founders Lauryn and Brandon. How do you divide roles among the three of you?

A: We haven’t quite figured that out yet. I primarily do the majority of the work. Lauryn & Brandon contribute in terms of creative design and social media help as that is not my strong suit. As the company grows, their involvement will grow too.


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What systems/programs do you use to help with time management and organization to better your business success? 

A: Our website uses a platform called Shine Pages. That has been extremely helpful. I am in the process of exploring different time management systems and learning what others are effectively using.


What is a typical day like for you? How many hours do you spend on your business? Please breakdown by hours (7:00 am, 8:00 am etc.). 

A: I begin my morning with thoughts of gratitude and prayer. Most days, I’ll pull a book from my library (whichever speaks to me) and open it to a random page in search of an intention or awareness I can set for the day.  I exercise. And then I begin my work day. Being fortunate enough to work from home, I take breaks when needed to be emotionally present for my kids and myself. I usually end my work day before dinner time. 


What books would you recommend for entrepreneurs to read? Any books that inspire you? 

A: Start With Why by Simon Sinek | The One Thing by Gary Keller | Ninja Selling by Larry Kendall


Before starting Always Love Being, you worked as a life coach for many years. How has that experience carried over to your business?

A: I’ve been in the real estate industry for 21 years.  When I got my coaching certification, I realized I was utilizing my skill set in real estate as well. It has served me both on a personal and professional level as we are always learning from each other.


You still maintain a more traditional job as a real estate broker. What skills have you learned in the real estate world that have helped you in business?

A: If I hadn’t developed my sales, people, management and negotiation skills early on in my professional career, I would not have been able to sustain myself in the real estate industry for so long given the volatility of the market shifts. I grew up in a family owned business my entire upbringing into adulthood. My parents were in the food industry and that is when I inherited an entrepreneurial spirit as a young teen.


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How do you balance your businesses with your 9 to 5?

A: Real estate is not a 9am to 5pm profession. Learning how to set boundaries with my clients and for myself helps me find balance even in the chaos of an unpredictable schedule with real estate and the other businesses.


How did you grow your customer base and following? 

A: Currently, our customer base is direct to the consumer. However, we will be expanding it so that we are business to business. Our sales have been generated primarily from social media posts. 


How do you balance social media marketing and the day to day administrative tasks of running a business? 

A: Social media is not my strength so I am exploring options. I’ve reached out to a local university to inquire about hiring a student with social media experience. Columbia College has a program called “Handshake” that allows employers to offer internships for students.


How do you protect your peace with clients (business relationships); what boundaries do you set? 

A: Honoring myself and taking care of my family will always come first. My work ethics ensure that I give my clients the type of service or product that I want to receive. One of the boundaries I set is that of an expectation to respect my time. I believe boundaries teach people how to treat you and they teach us how to respect ourselves.


What were some unexpected challenges you faced when starting out as an entrepreneur?

A: I believe one of my challenges other than technology has been systematizing my business whether it is real estate or Always Love Being. I’ve realized that is an essential part of growing the business.


Always Love Being donates 25% of its net profit to charity. How has that affected the community around you so far?

A: I believe our supporters share that value of charitable donations. Our chosen causes also resonate with those who have supported us. I believe our story is what others will connect to whether having gone through something similar or knowing someone who has. 


Related articles: A Busy Mom’s Guide to Starting a Side Business


What is one value that you always stick to in your business pursuits?

A:  Honesty



5  Spotlight Questions! 


What is your daily self-care routine?

Gratitude. I always find something to be grateful for each day. Exercise. My mantra is something is better than nothing. So, even if it’s 10 minutes or 20 minutes, I do something each day. And most importantly, I’m always kind to myself.

Best advice you received…

Not sure where I gained this piece of advice or if it is something I came to learn from living. Never lie to yourself.

Favorite thing to do when you have alone time… 

I am a reality TV junkie. I love to watch my reality shows and indulge in spicy and salty snacks.

What would you tell your eighteen-year-old self? 

Invest in your future. Learn about the things you weren’t taught growing up when it comes to financial health and wealth.

What would be your natural talent if you weren’t doing this? 

It would be this but magnified. I would be traveling the world speaking to as many people as I could touch with inspiration and hope.


To connect with Antonette Taylor


Instagram| Email | Phone: (773) 370-5499

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