Meet Dr. Rowena Winkler Founder Of Journey 2 Consciousness

Meet Rowena Winkler as she shares her passion on astrology in business, creative coaching and being a mom entrepreneur.

Welcome to a Curvy Mom Blog. We are uber excited to have you within our community to share your story. 

Today, we spotlight creator & extrovert Dr. Rowena Winkler founder Of Journey2consciousness LLC. 

1. I love your website: from the moment I entered I felt at peace and sudden calmness and positivity. For my readers, can you share more about what your brand offers? 

Sure! Through Journey2Consciousness LLC, I use my expertise in communication, coaching, & the healing arts to help women find their voice to build their businesses and live an authentically empowered life on their terms. Using modalities such as astrology, human design, tarot, writing, and performance, I work with my clients to get unstuck and inspire their inner muse.

2. You have a Ph.D. in communication; when did you realize you want to start your own practice instead of working in the public or private sector? 

For years I had aspirations to be an entrepreneur and start my own business, but as I’m sure many of your readers can attest, I was letting fear get in the way. It wasn’t until I had my beautiful baby girl, Kerrigan Leigh, after years of trying to get pregnant and eventually going through IVF to have her, that I realized life is too short to play it small. I wanted to be a role model for my daughter so that despite the fear I can go out there and try to build this business with no regrets, just learning. 

3. In your opinion, do you feel we are allowed to have more than one passion that we can turn into a business? 

Absolutely! In fact, I was just having a conversation with some fellow entrepreneur friends that these various passions can turn into multiple businesses. As business owners / human beings we are conditioned to stick with one passion/hobby/career trajectory and oftentimes feel weird or different if we want to do a variety of different things. It wasn’t until I joined the Clubhouse App about a year ago, and realized that I was a true multi-hyphenate — that there are others out there like me, exploring their various gifts and talents and finding ways to share them with the world — that I felt comfortable and confident enough to at least try.

4. What advice would you give women who feel stuck or unsure about pursuing their passion for a business?   

Find a tribe of supporters who can help you every step of the way. Whether that is a coach, a community, or a friend who is also an entrepreneur — being able to have people to bounce ideas off of, use as accountability partners, and hold a mirror so you can truly see yourself as needed — is crucial, especially in the first stages of building your business.

5. How do you infuse your business of astrological concepts with your business clients to gain more valuable insights? Do you feel some clients shy away from this?  

I’ve been told that my integration of astrology, communication, and coaching is a unique offering and so I’ve fully embraced it in the past year vs. shying away from it when it comes to my business. For my clients, this shows up in a number of different ways. I serve as an advisor/consultant for clients who would like to see how the upcoming astrological patterns can impact business decisions. I’ve used astrology on an individual level so that clients can better know themselves as business owners and the best way to run their business. And lastly, I’ve more recently developed an Intuitive Marketing & Business Planning offering that integrates the astrology of the business itself to determine how to build stronger brand awareness, plan for future quarters, etc. 

6. Are you a believer in surrounding your energy with certain elements such as crystals? 

Yes — I am a huge believer in the energy I surround myself with. I have several crystals all around my office and home, and I wear jewelry with crystals often. I also send crystal suggestions to clients as needed, and my Astrology and Self-Care Guide provides crystal recommendations based on your zodiac sign.

7. What are the biggest challenges you face with running your own business? 

Developing my own systems and structures that work for me as a creative and empathic person has been challenging. I am in the process of developing ways that provide the space to remain in my zone of genius while ensuring things are still moving along nicely on the backend. 

8. How do you balance being a mom, business owner, and having a personal life? 

I prefer to use the word “integration” as opposed to “balance” because to me it indicates that I am wearing one hat at a time when I feel like I’m all of these things all of the time. With that said, I am fortunate to have a supportive partner who is a wonderful dad, which helps with handling childcare. When it comes to my business, I have amazing mentors, coaches, and support systems that allow me the space to ask questions so that I can put my own unique spin on it and experiment to see what works. And I am very extroverted, so making time for friends and loved ones is a priority for me to help me recharge my batteries and relax.

9. You offer a free catalyst call as an initial meet & chat – can you share what happens within this call? 

Sure thing! Essentially it is a 20-minute call where we discuss what is going on with you — where do you find yourself feeling stuck (relationships, career, life path, marketing, business, etc.) and what you hope to achieve in a coaching environment. We also discuss your level of interest in my spiritual modalities (e.g. astrology, tarot, human design, etc.) and how we can integrate them should we feel aligned to work together.

10. Do you use social media marketing to promote your business and if so in what ways do you find are effective?

I most certainly do. The coaching industry, in particular, is growing rapidly, so having a consistent social media presence and increasing brand awareness whenever possible is key to keeping your services top-of-mind and building trust. Based on recent trends, video content is going to be huge going into 2022 — whether that is in the form of reels or lives. Speaking with an authentic tone and voice based on the vibe of your brand goes a long way too — audiences want to know they’re engaging with an actual human, not an algorithm or robot. And lastly, staying on top of trends in regards to hashtags, audio clips, challenges, etc. can help spread brand awareness. 

11. Outside of coaching, you’re also a creator: theater performer, singer, dancer, and poetry writer — would you say this is a way to express yourself creatively? How important is it to you to have this outlet?  

Throughout all of my different career paths, life paths, relationships, etc. one thing has always remained the same — my love, and need for a creative outlet. Performing and writing in any kind of form has been my muse since I could remember (in fact, there is video evidence out there that I’ve been singing since I was 2-3 years old!) and I believe that I wouldn’t be as balanced and grounded without it. With that said, I have made it a priority to build time in my schedule for some form of creation, whether that’s singing a song, taking a dance class, writing parts of my book, etc.

12. You work with creatives as well to channel their energy into a productive outlet: what is this process? 

The “why” behind my business is to help my clients find their voice, in whatever means as necessary. That said, when I work with creatives I make it a point to work in ways that is most relevant and resonant for them. For example, when I work with theater performers I have them send me Singfirmations (song form of daily affirmations) as well as write monologues of their ideal day. With writers, I’ve had them build characters based on the life they are envisioning for themselves. It’s a lot of fun, and it allows us to connect based on their creativity and language in order to take their mindset and work to a whole new level.

13. How do you empower women to create and pursue their passion? 

It honestly starts with a lot of inner work. Knowing who you are, despite the mistakes and the stuff that we may want to hide or shy away from — all of that is unique to you, and is a part of your story. I empower women to remove themselves from a victim mindset and instead emerge victorious, confident, and willing to embody their most authentic, radiant selves. When I use the term “inner muse” in my work, it refers to the true self inside each and every one of us that for some reason has been told or conditioned to play small. I help my clients feel like they can play it big, and that the world needs to see them shine as they are — perfectly imperfect and absolutely amazing!

14. For someone who has degrees, a family, career but still feel unfilled what would you suggest she should start doing? 

I would suggest she ask herself where that really stems from. Oftentimes we think by changing the job, or the relationship, or the environment it will quickly fix how we feel when in actuality there’s a core limiting belief or a block that’s getting in the way of our true happiness. 

15. What has been your biggest takeaway from starting your own business and following your passion? 

That it is not going to be easy. That living the life of my dreams won’t happen overnight, but if I continue to work in alignment with my soul purpose and if I keep moving toward my goals intuitively and with respect to my astrological and human design blueprint I will indeed see the fruits of my labor come to fruition in a huge and impactful way.

16. Where do you see Rowena Winkler coaching in the future?

I would love to run retreats all around the world, host events with speakers that talk about how women can stand confidently together and create major change, publish books and help as many women as possible.


5  Spotlight Questions! 


What is your daily self-care routine?

Meditation. It gets me in the right mindset for the day.

Best advice you received…

What makes you different makes you powerful.

Favorite thing to do when you have alone time… 


What would you tell your eighteen-year-old self? 

Take care of yourself. Your mental health is not worth all this hustling.

What would be your natural talent if you weren’t doing this? 

Performing on Broadway.


To connect with Rowena Winkler: 



Phone: (856) 500-3446

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