Meet Fifty Bloggers and Author Tour to Start July 1st

Meet 50 BloggersFor Immediate Release (New York, NY) There is nothing quite as exciting as getting dressed to the nines and heading somewhere special to hang with friends for a day or night full of laughs and good times. Yet, somehow with new aged technology we have replaced meets up with Twitter chats or catching up with an old girlfriend to checking her Facebook timeline to find out what she’s been up too. What has happened to the good ole fashion in-person hangout?

Authoress and Blogger Missy B. Salick is traveling the east coast this summer to meet with fifty bloggers and writers to experience life from behind a computer screen. “As writers it is easy for us to look up and days, weeks, months have passed and we’ve missed out on so much. I am using this opportunity to not only connect with my fellow blogger/writer friends, but to enjoy life again.” Salick is cruising from New York as far as Atlanta to meet and mingle with creative-like minds.

“Writing, while completely creative and entertaining, can be lonely and it will be nice to meet up with others, share stories and be apart of the real world,” says Salick.

The tour will kick-off July 1. For more information or bloggers and writers interested in being a part of the tour call or email Geralisa Eades at at 202.230.7737,

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