Meet Kavita Melwani, Founder of Aligned and Soulful

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Manifest your Business: Meet Kavita Melwani, Founder of Aligned and Soulful


Hi Kavita, we’re so excited to have you here on the blog. You’ve been an intuitive business and success coach since 2014. For our readers out there, how would you define “success coach”? 

A: Thank you for the opportunity to connect with your beautiful audience. A success coach empowers individuals to overcome inner and outer obstacles so they can reach their desired level of success. The value of working with a success coach is that the coach can help you uncover subconscious barriers to your success that you may not see on your own. I know that I made a decision early on in my business that I would always work with a coach. 

What inspired you to start your business?

A: My coaching practice is not my first business. I have owned and operated various businesses since 2003. In fact, I also grew up in a family of business owners. Although I have had other jobs, I have always wanted to work for myself to create my dream career/business. 

When it comes to my coaching business, my inspiration started in 2011. By then I had been married for 11 years, had two boys, a house and a business. If anyone looked at my life, they would think that I had every reason to be happy, but there was something missing. I then heard about my 1st cousin dying of Cancer on Valentine’s day and when I attended his funeral, I knew that I had to make some changes. A few months later I met my first coach at a networking event, and she guided me to the path I am on now.

Your coaching is aimed at self-described empaths, sensitive souls and conscious entrepreneurs. What would you say is the most important step to take when approaching running a business as a sensitive soul?

A: Honoring your true self and working within your strengths to align your business to your own uniqueness. A lot of sensitive souls have a deep desire to be seen and heard – so they spend a lot of time trying to run their businesses like everyone else and it burns them out. 

What systems/programs do you use to help with time management and organization to better your business’s success? 

A: I have multiple systems that I use to manage my time. I have an annual, monthly, weekly, and daily system.  On an annual basis I do a business assessment, visualizations and then a vision board to set the tone for the year. From there I create my annual goals and break them down by month. Every month I revisit my goals, and decide on the steps I will take that month. As the year progresses, I will often revisit my plan as needed. 

I use google calendar, and a paper planner to help with my daily tasks. 

What is a typical day like for you? How many hours do you spend on your business? 

A: 6:45 AM wake up to meditate, read and journal, 7:30 family time with the kids in the kitchen, Depending on the day I start around 8 AM with planning my day with my paper planner, around 10 AM (depending on my calls) I do my workout – lifting weights or a walk, 11:30 take care of some admin tasks and then any coaching calls, 1 PM Lunch away from my desk, 2 PM personal time (we do have to run our life:),  by 4 or 5 PM I am done and leave my office. Although it seems like a lot of hours, I prefer to have my personal time during the day. In the evening, I go for a walk, make dinner, dinner with the family, and have family time. 


Related article: Manifest Your Business: Meet Lee of Melanin Musing


What books would you recommend for entrepreneurs to read? Any books that inspire you? 

A: I love reading and always have a pile of books by my bedside. Some books that have inspired me lately are: Atomic Habits by James Clear, Light is the New Black by Rebecca Campbell, Dying to be Me by Anita Moorjani

How do you balance coaching and the day-to-day administrative tasks of running a business? 

A: I block off administrative time on my calendar every Friday afternoon and on Monday. I also spend an hour a day on the tasks. 

How did you grow your customer base and following? 

A: I have a weekly podcast which has helped grow my audience, I also used to write a blog, and have in-person workshops, networking events, and online workshops. 

You have an academic background in education and psychology. How has that contributed to your skills as a businesswoman today?

A: I love teaching and use that skill in my coaching practice. My psychology background has helped me understand people at a deep level. When I run my business, I come from the heart of a teacher and I think that attracts my ideal client. 

How do you protect your peace with clients (business relationships); what boundaries do you set? 

A: I have had to be more clear about my boundaries as I have worked with more clients and have more relationships. Early on in our coaching relationship, I am clear about when and how often I will respond to journaling and email. More importantly, I honor that boundary even if someone tries to cross it. I used to feel guilty but I know this sets a great example for my clients.



What were some unexpected challenges you faced when starting out as an entrepreneur?

A: How rapidly business has changed over the last few years? It is challenging and keeps things interesting. I am always ready to learn, which helps me overcome any challenges. 

What changes have you noticed your businesses have had on the community around you?

A: Women will come up to me and tell me that I inspired them to start their businesses. They see how I have grown and know it is also possible for them. Since I have my own business, I have also been able to volunteer at my kids’ schools and be present for my children as they grew into teenagers.

What is one value that you always stick to in your business pursuits?

A: Integrity. Unfortunately, there are a lot of business practices in the online space that lack integrity, no matter how I market my business, sell, and any business decisions I make – I always come from integrity. 

What is one mistake you made at the beginning of your business that you could advise others to avoid?

A: I have made a lot of mistakes in my business, that is how I have learned. The biggest one is listening to others despite what my intuition is guiding me to do. 

What is next for Aligned and Soulful? 

A: I am creating a group program for empathic, soulful entrepreneurs. It will be 8-10 empaths per group so that I can work with each person at a deep level. 


5  Spotlight Questions! 

What is your daily self-care routine?

Meditation, journaling, workouts, and daily walks outside.

Best advice you received…

Comparison can inspire you or kill your motivation. You get to choose.

Favorite thing to do when you have alone time… 

Read or watch some inspirational TV

What would you tell your eighteen-year-old self? 

Trust yourself. You are capable of so much more than you think.

What would be your natural talent if you weren’t doing this? 

Teaching. I would definitely be teaching something, somewhere 🙂


To connect with  Kavita Melwani

Instagram| Email | P:  650-209-0797

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