Meet Life Coach Leslie Randolph

Welcome to a Curvy Mom Blog. We are uber excited to have you within our community to share your story. 


What inspired the transition from Public Relations to being a Life Coach working women, moms and teen girls? 

From a young age I knew I wanted to help people. When I was in second grade, I told my mom that I wanted to find the cure for AIDS. She met this ambitious desire with a very rational, “You will need to be very good at math and science if you want to do that.” To which I responded, “No mom, I will find it with my heart.”

I share this story because I believe this path is the one I was always meant to be on. Helping others has always been in my heart and now I have the privilege of doing so as a career. While PR to confidence coaching might seem like a giant leap, I see many parallels. 

Public relations is simply story telling. I helped businesses and brands write and share their story with the masses. Today, I help young women do the same. Through coaching, they are finding their voice and their values. They are getting to know who they are and what they want in this one and only life of theirs. They are uncovering the story they currently tell about themselves and deciding if that’s one they want to continue or if they want to change the script. If so, I give them the space and tools to do just that. 

Can you share a bit about how you manifested your journey to a Life Coach and the challenges you faced along the way? 

In my late teens and early twenties I lost my way. I had dreams that I no longer pursued or even acknowledged  because I deemed them impossible before even trying to achieve them. My parents were eager for me to get a “real” job so I willingly obliged and started working for a non-profit here in Chicago. One of the employment requirements was attending a personal development seminar called Pathways, which was my first foray into coaching. 

I attended the seminar shortly after I started working and was forever changed. I remember looking at the facilitators over the weekend and thinking, “THAT is what I want to do.” But I quieted that voice – once again assuming it was impossible before even trying. 

I continued my own work with Pathways for many years and with the tools I learned, I mentored others, I created a very successful career in PR and marketing, met the man of my dreams, and started a family. Six months after my son was born, my husband was offered a job in Johannesburg which he happily accepted. 

Once we moved to South Africa, I again felt lost. Without my career as an anchor I didn’t know who I was or what I was supposed to be doing. So, I hired a life coach. I LOVED our sessions and the possibility I felt every time we spoke. Once again, I heard that voice saying “THAT is what I want to do.” And once again, I denied it.

Fast forward five years – our time overseas was over, my family was settled back in the United States and I went back to PR. A few months later the pandemic changed everything. This time I not only felt lost, but I was scared, overwhelmed, and anxious – I remember saying, “I feel like a waitress in roller skates. I am going to drop something!” 

Once again, I hired a life coach. 

Once again, I heard that voice.

This time, I listened and I never looked back. 

How do you help your clients rewrite their story and find their purpose when they are severely struggling? 

The story we tell about ourselves is informed by our beliefs – whether they are passed down from our parents, grandparents, religious institutions, cultural or societal programming, or the beliefs we’ve independently formed based on our life experiences. Regardless, beliefs are just thoughts we’ve thought on repeat and decided are true. But thoughts are not true. They are not facts. You can ALWAYS change what you believe about you. If you love what you believe about yourself and how it makes you feel then keep writing that story. If not, find new beliefs that remind you how lovable, capable, and worthy you are. YOU ARE. 

After the pandemic tons of working women are looking to find more work/life balance or time freedom: what are your recommendations on how to manifest a path? 

You will not find more work/life balance or time, you must create it. If you want it, then find ways to make it possible and prioritize it. Notice the obstacles that are stopping you from achieving it. Write them down. For each one, find a strategy to overcome it. There is always a solution but to find it, but you must believe it’s possible – otherwise you won’t even look for it. 

Also, notice what are real, tangible obstacles versus thoughts. I flag this because so often WE are our greatest obstacles. Your thinking is both the source of all your suffering and the secret to your success. Harness your mindset to propel not paralyze you. 



What systems/programs do you use to help with time management and organization to better your business success? 

I plan my week every Monday and adjust accordingly from day to day based on the needs of my clients and the business as a whole. I make sure me-time and family time are part of that planning, not an afterthought. 

What is a typical day like for you? How many hours do you spend on your business? Please breakdown by hours (7:00 am, 8:00 am etc.) Optional: the full breakdown is optional. We would like to show the readers how you create balance in your day. 

6:00: Alarm goes off and I am up with it. I look in the mirror and find some beautiful beliefs about that human in front of me to start my day. 

I head downstairs and do a short meditation and journaling. My journaling practice shifts frequently. When I am in the thick of something I use journaling as an opportunity to get it out of my head and heart and onto the page. When I am feeling good then I take the time to practice intentional journaling to remind me what I want, how capable I am of achieving it, and some possible ways to make it happen.

6:45: Time to move my body. I will run, box, Peloton or dance in my kitchen. I like to sweat!

7:30: Get my kiddos downstairs for kisses and breakfast before they head off to school.



8:30: I shower and listen to a podcast while I get ready for the day. I work from home mostly, but I ALWAYS dress for the day. It’s an easy mood booster and confidence cultivator. 

9:00 – 10:00: I am at my desk and ready to tackle the day. I start the week by planning what the rest of it will look like based around non-negotiables like family commitments, clients, PR opportunities, or speaking engagements. Each day looks a bit different but I like to group tasks and dedicate focus times for each. 

11:00 – 1:00: For example, I kick-off the week with “Marketing Monday” where I plan/research a podcast, craft social content, or write my newsletter. 

1:00: IF my hubby is home then we might try to sneak out for a midday walk. If not, I usually eat lunch while listening to a coaching call. I get so much out of watching other coaches and am ALWAYS expanding my toolbelt. 

1:00 – 3:30: Most days I have clients but timing obviously varies. I take time to prep for each session and then send a personal follow-up email and homework for those who want it. On days I am not with clients, you might find me recording a podcast, networking, or exploring PR opportunities in the afternoon. 

3:30 – 5:00: My kiddos get home from school, so I am up to greet them and squeeze as much detail about their days as I can get. We have a snack together and chat before they wind down with some TV and I wrap up the work day. I have clients a few afternoons a week, otherwise I am driving carpool to gymnastics or soccer. 

5:00 – 8:00: Work is wrapped and I am focused on family. We cook dinner and play a family game almost every night. Our favorite is Rummikub. If my husband is traveling I might let the kids watch America’s Got Talent while we eat one night a week. We just started this tradition a couple months ago and we are loving it. We are watching an old season but it’s all new to us. 

8:00: Teeth are brushed, book is read and kids are tucked in. I head downstairs to either play cards with my hubby or watch a show. We are loving Shrinking and Ted Lasso right now!

9:00 – 10:00: Upstairs for a bath and wind down time before bed. I have a journal next to my bed where I either do a short gratitude or self-love post. I try to read a few pages of my book before I fall asleep while half paying attention to whatever my hubby is watching. 


Why Didn’t They Tell Us? Your amazing Podcast…it was such a great listen. I listened to several episodes and must say I’m hooked! Launching your Podcast was it for business or creative purposes? 

AH, thank you!! Thank you for tuning in and for the kind words. It was both! If you listen to episode one and two, you will hear that one of my earliest dreams was to be on a stage but I never pursued it because I was too scared. This podcast is me going after that dream, but it is also a chance to share the lessons I learned late in life that I only wish I had known sooner. My hope is always to help others learn to love and believe in themselves and if the podcast does that then I am literally living the dream. 



Your topics are very relatable but personable, share with us how you choose your topics?  

I have a running list of topics I want to cover and tools I want to teach, but I am always coaching and listening so each day brings new ideas. 

Do you set boundaries with yourself on how much to disclose? 

I haven’t yet, but I’m pretty much an open book. The truth is, I have been every woman I aim to help so if my journey supports someone else then I am willing to share my experience. 

For women inspiring to enter the Coaching industry, what advice would you share? 

I knew for a long time that I wanted to be a coach, but I never considered being an entrepreneur. Yet, here I am! If you want to be a coach but not an entrepreneur then your path might look a little different. Find out where opportunities are and what requirements they have for certification, accreditation, and practicum. Let your desired finish line help dictate your path and point of entry. 

For those wanting to do it all, start by envisioning your idea of success, commit to believing that’s possible, and take steps every day to make it happen. When you believe it’s possible, you will find the way. It might not look like you envisioned and it probably won’t be linear, but you’ll get to where you want to be.

Leslie, how do you empower other women and teen girls to self love? 

Self-love is a feeling that comes from thinking highly of you, and what you think of you is a choice you get to make – regardless of your past or what other people say or think about you. You always get to decide what YOU think of you.. Why wouldn’t you choose to believe you are amazing? Why wouldn’t you choose to see and celebrate your strengths? Why wouldn’t you choose to believe in you and your ability to make your dreams come true? It’s a choice. 

For busy moms, working women and even teen girls: what ways do you recommend they take better care of “you” first and find healthy opportunities? 

I always say, “Love has the power to change the world, self-love empowers you to be part of that change.” When you are taking care of yourself, you have so much more capacity to care for others. When you are loving yourself, you have so much more love to give. This isn’t the reason to take care of you, but a beautiful byproduct of it. You can and should take care of yourself because you deserve and are worthy of the love, time and attention you so easily give others. 

What books would you recommend for entrepreneurs to read? Any books that inspire you? 

The High 5 Habit and The Five Second Rule from Mel Robbins were two of my favorites, and Two Weeks Notice by Amy Porterfield is on my bedside table ready to be read. 

These days, a lot of my inspiration comes from podcasts and I love the shows from those authors, as well as Corinne Crabtree and Dear FoundHer with Lindsay Pinchuk (a must listen for any entrepreneur). 

How did you grow your customer base and following? 

I showed up and continue to show up. Even when I am scared. Even when my brain tells me, “It’s not working.” Even when it’s really hard.  I don’t stop and I say yes more often than I say no. 

How do you balance social media marketing and the day to day administrative tasks of running a business? 

I make sure every aspect gets the time and attention it needs through my calendaring, but I continually remind myself that every day is a new opportunity. This helps when I think, “I’m behind” or “There’s too much to do.” Also, I keep systems simple.

How do you protect your peace with clients (business relationships); what boundaries do you set? 

I have checks and balances in place and agreements with clients that outline expectations, but my mindset is also an ally in keeping the peace because I know I can handle whatever comes my way. In the words of Maria Forleo, “Everything is figureoutable” 

Thank you Leslie for your interview! In closing, with the many hats you wear how do you {self-love} yourself on a daily basis? 

I remind myself of my why often and that is future generations of girls that learn to love and believe in themselves sooner than I did. Imagining what the world would look like if we were all showing up with that love fills and fuels me to keep going. 



5  Spotlight Questions! 


What is your daily self-care routine?

Get very intentional about the first thought I think when I look in the mirror as it sets the tone for my day. I have post-it notes on my mirror reminding me of awesome things to think about each morning.

Move your body, it’s the only one you’ve got.

Take deep breaths, often. 

Best advice you received…

“Assume positive intent.”

Favorite thing to do when you have alone time… 

Read or dance

What would you tell your eighteen-year-old self? 

You got this, and I got you.

What would be your natural talent if you weren’t doing this? 

Running a non-profit or the entertainment director at an all-inclusive resort.


Connect with Leslie: 



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