Meet Marian of Words of Marian

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Manifest your Business: Meet Marian of Words of Marian


Please share the story behind how Words of Marian (WOM) was created.

A: I find that most business owners have a unique story to tell, but just don’t know how to put that story into words that make sense for their readers to connect with.

I’ve been writing professionally going on 10 years, and writing creatively even longer, so storytelling is something I know a thing or two about!

In 2020, I decided to create Words by Marian to help make content writing easy for business owners so they can better connect with their audience through meaningful words.


What challenges did you face starting WOM and how did you overcome?

A: The biggest challenge by far was defining my services. I started my writing career as an SEO writer and then later became a journalist. When I launched Words by Marian, I took both of those skills and offered a wide range of services like SEO analytics and even social media management because I wanted to help everyone.

I realized quickly that I was stepping out of my zone of genius: Writing!

Once I re-evaluated my strengths, creative and strategic content writing, I was able to niche down and offer services that my dream clients need.


Being a writer, your time is very limited…how do you choose your clients that you want to service?

A:  When I first got started, I took on just about every project at an hourly rate…and got burned out pretty quickly with just 4 clients.

These days, I work with 1-2 clients a month for long-term projects that give me time to flesh out each step of the project so I can write with precision.



What systems/programs do you use to help with time management and organization to better your business success? 

A: I love Asana for everything: Client project planning, task checklists, deadlines, you name it. It keeps me focused on what needs to be done each week and when it needs to be done. Truly a lifesaver!


What is a typical day like for you? How many hours do you spend on your business?

A: My workday is around 4-5 hours Monday through Thursday. I used to have a set time to “clock in” in the morning, but as long as I “clock out” by 4 p.m., I’m set!

While my workload varies on what project I’m working on that day, I always begin my day with a hot cup of black coffee while checking my Asana workspace for my task checklist and any updates from my clients on our projects. Then I dedicate 1-2 hours to researching and writing their content, break for a 30-minute lunch and/or stretch, and get back to typing.

I research and write each day but I save editing for Thursdays so I can look at everything with a fresh eye before submitting!

Once 4 p.m. arrives, it’s time to unwind…with more writing. Haha. I write mystery short stories for fun when I’m not writing for my clients!



As the founder of WOM, how do you adapt to a client’s brand voice to service their needs without sounding like Marian from WOM?

A: The very first thing I do before writing a word for my client is to have them complete what I call a content writing strategy. It’s a workbook I created that defines and refines my client’s brand style, starting with who they want their writing to speak to and ending with how we say it.

My content writing strategy includes defining their dream client profile, building their brand voice, message, and tone guide, as well as creating content pillars that drive home their brand personality so their readers get to know, like, and trust them (because “know, like, trust” is the foundation of content that sells!).

Once I have those tools, it’s fairly easy for me to understand and convey how my client would talk if they were having a conversation with their dream client. I always have my clients review our work together to ensure it sounds like them, and thanks to the content writing strategy, it does!


In your opinion, at what stage in a business does one need a copywriter?

A: Your business needs a writer as soon as you realize writing your own content is counterproductive.

As business owners, it’s in our nature to push ourselves and get a job done, but if that job includes tasks you don’t like to do, and you spend hours and hours trying to do it only for it to turn out not how you planned…it’s time to ask for help.

My clients reach out to me with the same frustration: They have a million wonderful content ideas but no time or clue how to write them.

And since content writing is the backbone of your business as your content is what engages your readers and turns them into customers, it’s important you have a writer on your team to help get your ideas out of your head and onto the page so you can get back to doing what you love about your business!


With so many digital businesses opening do you feel the market is overly saturated with black copywriters and how do you help your clients stand out?

A: Not at all! I’m a firm believer in “There’s enough money for everyone.” I also believe that as business owners, our branding should speak to the specific person we want to work with.

I stand out to black women business owners who are over writing their own content to no results, and who need support to get it done and get it done right!


Being a black copywriter and working with women of color with online business; do you ever see the stereotype content and how do you help your clients change their tone?

A: Thankfully no because while my dream clients are black women, they are black women from all walks of life who understand that there is no one way to be “black.”

If I were to encounter a client who wanted to write stereotypical content, my first question is always, “How does this language serve your brand and help your readers get to know, like, and trust you?”


What books would you recommend for entrepreneurs to read? Any books that inspire you? 

A: I’m more of a business blog reader and a couple of my fave blogs to encourage entrepreneurs are Wandering Aimfully and a Curvy Mom. Yes, I read this blog faithfully. It’s been a tremendous help in my business!


“There’s enough money for everyone. I stand out to black women business owners who are over writing their own content to no results, and who need support to get it done and get it done right!”


How did you grow your customer base and following?

A: In the beginning, I marketed my business daily across 2 platforms (Facebook and Instagram). I would post once a day on my profiles with writing tips and post 5 times a day in various Facebook business groups with writing tips and engagement posts to find my dream client.

Once I grew my customer base (took about 1 and half years), I stepped back from daily posts and relied on referrals. I still do to this day! I’m very grateful that my clients are happy to refer me to their business buddies—and I always offer a referral bonus or gift to show my gratitude!


How do you balance social media marketing and the day-to-day administrative tasks of running a business? 

A: This isn’t something I recommend to business owners who are still growing their customer base as you absolutely need your online presence to attract new customers, but for me, I’ve taken a major step back from social media marketing thanks to referrals. This gives me plenty of time to dedicate to my clients and their social media marketing!



How do you protect your peace with clients (business relationships); what boundaries do you set? 

A: My boundaries are pretty simple! I communicate with my clients during my workday hours and rest on the weekends. If it’s urgent, I’m happy to respond on weekends, but normally I save all business matters for Mondays through Thursdays.


If social media one day was to become obsolete, what could we see Marian doing on a daily basis?

A: You would see me doing what I do now! Writing for businesses and their hard copy (i.e. paper ads, newsletters, and billboards) instead of their digital content…and writing my short stories!



5  Spotlight Questions! 


What is your daily self-care routine?

A vibrant meal (like a green and colorful salad) and plenty of water.

Best advice you received…

“If you’re not writing, you should be reading!”

Favorite thing to do when you have alone time… 

Write my little creative stories or go on a nature hike.

What would you tell your eighteen-year-old self? 

“It’s never too late to change your mind and start again.”

What would be your natural talent if you weren’t doing this? 

Drawing and painting. I love to do it when I have the time, even if I’m not the best at it!


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4 thoughts on “Meet Marian of Words of Marian”

  1. @Dominique, yes! And it usually happens if I haven’t collected enough information about their branding to make the writing process easier. That’s why I’m adamant about a content writing strategy to flesh out the details of my clients’ brands and voices so I can write without pause!

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