Meet Mom Blogger Jasmyn Heard Of Just Jass

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Hi Blogger Friend: What was your inspiration to start a blog, Just Jass

A: Hi and thank you for having me! I started my blog, Just Jass, as an outlet as a stay at home mom of my then 1 year old daughter which was 2 years ago! I had been told multiple times that I should start a blog because of my educational background in counseling and  therapy and now that I’m a parent, I could share my experience and my mental health journey as a new stay at home mom. 

Did you know you wanted to start a blog about motherhood or did it start as something else? 

A: I did! I wanted to share my experience as a stay at home mom and how I navigated this lifestyle mentally because this was something that I didn’t expect to be. I also knew that I wanted to share some other parenting advice and productivity hacks that help me as a busy stay at home mom.

How do you balance being a mom of two, wife and growing a blog? 

A: To be honest, I don’t know how I’m balancing it all lol. But all jokes aside, I do my best to block out time every day to work on my blog and spend time with my kids and husband where I’m present and in the moment. 

Have you always stayed at home or only after the children?

A: I became a stay at home mom after having my first daughter 3 years ago, so I’m 3 years in. It was completely unplanned and threw me for a loop the first year, but with time, I feel grateful and blessed that I get to spend the first years of my girls’ life with them.

Is self-care incorporated in your day on a daily basis? 

A: I try to and it looks different from day to day. One day it may be me relaxing watching a movie or a show uninterrupted for a couple of hours. Other days, it may be me reading after the girls have gone to bed. I try to squeeze in some me-time at some point every day and I just do whatever makes me feel good at that moment.

What systems/programs do you use to help with time management and organization to better your business success? 

A: What I have done is create a daily routine for myself where I have designated times during the day that I work on my blog. Since I’m a stay at home mom of 2 under 3, most of the time I work on my blog and social media during nap times in order to maximize that time.

What is a typical day like for you? How many hours do you spend on your business? Please breakdown by hours (7:00 am, 8:00 am etc.) 

A: Most days start at 7:30 AM for me by waking up before my girls get up around 8:00 AM. I usually take this time to get dressed for the day, skim through my emails, make my to-do list of what I need to get done, and have a cup of tea. Once the girls are up, I’m in mom-mode from making them breakfast to getting them dressed afterwards. 

During the week, we usually attend our local weekly activities such as storytime at the library, our local museum, and the park. On the days when that isn’t happening, I will run any errands that I need to do instead. Once all the morning activities are out of the way, it is usually between 12:00 and 1:00 PM which is when we will have lunch. After lunch is naptime. I try to put both of the girls down at the same time, but sometimes my 3 year old will fight her nap which I substitute for a quiet activity instead if she doesn’t want to nap. 

During this quiet or naptime, I work on my blog and social media. This time span usually ranges between 1:30 to 4:30 PM and I get the most work done during this time. After the girls have woken up, they are usually hungry which is when I start making dinner. My husband normally comes home while I’m finishing up dinner around 5:30 PM. We will have some family time before transitioning into the girls bedtime routine. My husband and I both switch off doing the bedtime routine which consists of baths, PJs, teeth brushing, reading books, and bedtime kisses and hugs. 

The goal is to have the girls in bed by 9 PM every night. Once the girls are asleep, I will either finish up some blog work or spend some quality time with my husband. I aim to be in bed by 11 PM every night so that way I can get up and do it all over again the next day.

Related Link: Morning Routine: How Mompreneur Missy Bonet Starts her Morning

For other SAHM (stay at home moms) with toddlers or children; what advice would you give them for keeping it spicy with not only their partners but themselves to prevent burnouts? 

A: Be open to trying new things with your partner and communicate what you are needing from them. Having kids changes things which means your relationship will also change so you have to adapt. I’m no good as a mom or a wife if I’m burned out so I need to communicate that to my partner so that he can help relieve some of the workload. I notice that I’m a way better wife to my husband and mom to my girls when I feel less overwhelmed and stressed. 

How do you stay consistent with posting for Jut Jass?

A: As a stay at home mom of 2 smaller children, I figured out that I could manage one blog post a week on my blog, so I stuck to that. I made that my weekly goal and I have been sticking to that goal ever since. It’s manageable for me and I am able to stay consistent doing so.

Before you start a blog, how many articles should you have in advance? 

A: I had 5 posts up on my blog before I launched my blog. You really only need 1 post to launch your blog but I would recommend having a few posts up so people can get a feel for what your content will be about. 

What is Jasmyn’s purpose in life and how do you protect her goals from the goals of Jasmyn the wife and mother?

A: I always felt like my purpose in life was to be an ear for others. I pursued a higher education in counseling and therapy because I truly believe that we all need someone who can talk to and confide to when things get overwhelming. Social media can often blur what is real at times but sitting in a room with someone whose job is to just listen and offer genuine guidance is very much real. This passion of mine is something that I put on hold as a stay at home mom but I find myself practicing what I would tell my former clients within my marriage and with my kids. Once my girls are of school age, I plan to dive back into the therapeutic word. But for now, I convey my passion through my blog and be an ear for my audience.

How do you empower and motivate women through your blog-life? 

A: I do so being authentic and informative. I talk about what I do as a parent (whether some agree or not) while also offering advice and information that I have learned along the way to make this parenting thing a little bit easier. We are all just trying to do our best and when we are equipped with the right information, we can do so. 

Are you a team of one or do you work with others in growing your blog? 

A: I’m a one woman show! I do everything from writing the blog posts to creating the graphics to sending emails and even taking my own pictures for social media. Maybe one day I will be able to afford a team that can help but for now, it is just me.

Popular Post on the Blog: It’s Time to Ditch the Mom Guilt for Good 

How do you ditch mom guilt? 

A: In this particular post, I talk about the affirmations that I tell myself when I feel mom guilt creeping up on me. What I tell myself the most is that “I’m doing enough as a mom.” I will often feel like I’m not doing enough when in reality I’m doing a lot. I would tell myself that if I’m not doing this or that then I must be a bad mother but as children will often remind us, they love us even if this or that didn’t happen. So to overcome that guilt, I remind myself that “I’m doing enough” and move forward. 

To start a blog in 2022, do you feel the market is crowded and how would one stand out? 

A: It does feel crowded, but there is definitely room to still start a blog in 2022. You have to remember that you have something to offer and that what you offer is unique to you. If you move and inspire just one person then it is completely worth it. 

Why do you think Just Jass has been successful? 

A: I would say the reason I have had success with Just Jass is because I’m consistent. I post weekly on my blog and then throughout the week I’m consistently engaging with my followers on social media. I think my viewers appreciate that I’m consistent and available because I’m present on many different platforms. 

What books would you recommend for entrepreneurs to read? Any books that inspire you? 

A: One of my favorite books is Daring Greatly by Brene Brown. It is about being vulnerable and how being vulnerable actually makes you courageous. It is within being vulnerable that we find out a lot about ourselves and can give us the courage to step outside of our comfort zones to pursue what we truly want out of life. I love Brene Brown’s TED Talks and this book does not disappoint. It is very inspiring and motivates you to pursue what you want in life and take the risk to do so.

How did you grow your customer base and following? 

A: On my blog, I utilize SEO (Search Engine Optimization) on all of my blog posts to show up for certain keywords when googled so that I can reach more people. On my social media, I post consistently 2-3 times a week promoting my content and so that my followers know that I’m active .

How do you balance social media marketing and the day to day administrative tasks of running a business? 

A: I usually start off each day by going through my emails and responding to anything that needs my attention. I will also do this at night as well. As far as social media, I typically handle my social media on particular days of the week which usually fall into the later days of the week. At the beginning of the week, I work on my blog and at the end of my week, I shift my focus to my social media. On Sundays, I write a weekly newsletter and plan out the content that I will be posting on my blog and social media for the week.

Related Link: Does Social Media Marketing Really Work?

What advice would you give for a newbie blogger working with brands on negotiating and sticking to their worth? 

A: Know your value and that you provide value to your viewers. Create and build a portfolio of your work so that you showcase your work when pitching to brands and vice versa. You need to demonstrate that you make consistent, good content and that they can expect that from you if they pursue a partnership with you. It starts with the value that you put into your content and brand partnerships will come. 

Your images are beautiful: what equipment is recommended to start a blog? Do you need a fancy camera in the beginning? 

A: Aw thank you so much! And the only equipment you need to start a blog is a computer, your phone camera, and a tripod that will hold your phone to take the pictures. That is it. You don’t need a fancy camera in the beginning. In fact, a lot of the images on my blog are stock photos that I pay a monthly subscription for so you don’t even have to use your own images. With time, I was able to upgrade such as a better computer and camera, but in the beginning, use what you have until you can afford something better.

How do you protect your peace with clients (business relationships); what boundaries do you set?

A:  For starters, I don’t work with brands or companies that don’t align with my values or will not be helpful to my community of moms so I won’t accept these kinds of partnerships. When I am working with a brand, I give myself a good amount of time to create the content which is usually between 1 to 2 weeks and will communicate that to them. I do this in order to give myself time so that the content that I create isn’t rushed and presentable

What is next for Jus Jass in 2022?

A: Hopefully products! One of the phrases I often use within my blog posts is that I want the people to “just ” feel good when they are on my blog because of the relateable and informative content. So I’m hoping that I will be able to start creating products that make moms feel good and confident in parenting such as apparel and planners! Another thing I have considered is making a podcast or a Youtube channel.! I want to keep my options and expand upon what I created with my blog!


5  Spotlight Questions! 


What is your daily self-care routine?

It varies but I try to squeeze in some me-time drinking a cup of tea in the mornings.

Best advice you received…

It’s ok to not be ok sometimes.” As some who struggle with perfectionism and masking what I’m truly feeling, this was a game changer when I was first told this.

Favorite thing to do when you have alone time… 

I love to catch up on a Netflix or Hulu Show. I love Grey’s Anatomy!

What would you tell your eighteen-year-old self? 

Stay true to you. It may feel easier to fit in, but you only grow by standing out and staying true to who you are.

What would be your natural talent if you weren’t doing this? 

I would absolutely be counseling and conducting therapy sessions again! I loved it when I was doing it and knew that I could fall back into it again!


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