Meet Motivation Coach Cherry Scott-Jones

Motivation Coach

The Mama Bear Spotlight series was created to feature mompreneurs who are not only moms, but also creators, writers, business owners and more.

These women are showing us how they balance motherhood, passion projects, businesses all while staying true to their inner self.

What inspired you to become a motivational, life and career coach?  

The recession of 2009 created personal and professional challenges for many and I wanted to assist considering my diversified personal and professional experience.

In what ways do you encourage an individual who is feeling lost in their career, home life and at a crossroad with life while being a motivational coach?

 I provide motivational and encouraging planning and strategies for people to feel better and do better in all areas of life.

As a motivational coach, on your bad days/bad weeks how do you motivate”coach” yourself to push through?

I use scriptures, prayers, books, and inner strength to push past adversity. 

During the pandemic do you find more clients are reaching out to you wanting to start a business or switch careers?

I saw more transitioning during 2009.  I think entrepreneurialism has been growing for quite a few years, thus more are aware of alternative careers.

Related article: Mompreneurs that Rock: Whitney Bonds

You wear many hats mother, entrepreneur, motivational coach, author, real estate agent, is there a favorite?

I enjoy wearing all of my hats.  Of course being a wife and mom is my primary foundation that supports the wearing of all the other hats.

You’ve published three books thus far, are you working on the fourth? If so, please share details.

Yes, I’m working on a fourth.  The fourth will also be motivational, inspirational and enlightening to assist all in being our best selves for ourselves and others.

How does social media pave the marketing way for your business?

Social media provides unlimited connectivity opportunities.

365 Days of Prayers the CD, share with us the prayers and motivation behind this project?

The prayers of 365 Days of Prayers the CD is motivated by the consideration of everyday challenges for everyone.  The prayers include:












Related article: Mompreneurs that Rock: Health Coach Holly Fitt

As a mom do you ever find yourself working yourself twice as hard to prove to your children that you can me more? More than the average day-to-day Joe.

I try to remember I’m good enough because I am a Mom and I try to relay that I try to give my best while remembering perfection is never required and that I’m human.

In what ways, do you empower other moms/women?

I provide compassionate and empathetic motivation, encouragement and emotional support.

What tips do you have on reducing the stress of families locked in together during COV19?

Relax.  Read.  Be patient.  Remember to play and have fun.  Be productive.

 What advice would you tell teenage girls about pursuing their dreams?

Get to know yourself.  Be self-aware.  Value Education!  Become Self-Sufficient!  You can do whatever you want if willing to put in the work.

What does the future hold for Cherry Scott-Jones?

I pray the future holds for me increasing good levels of goodness and wellness.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

5 Questions for our Mama Bears

What is your daily self-care routine?

Reading, prayer, music, inner peace, watching tv, laughter, Journaling

Best advice you received when you became a mom…

Remember my own humanity.  Don’t lose myself.

 Favorite thing to do when you have alone time…

Reading, Journaling

What would you tell your pre-mom self?

  Relax.  Keep the faith.  Trust yourself.

Your proudest motherhood moment…

When I find old cards and letters from my daughter telling me how much she loves and appreciates me.

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