Meet Natural Home Products Curators Eli & Whittney

Mom & Kidpreneuer

Welcome to our Bear Cub Spotlight, introducing kidpreneurs that rock in business! 

Business Ideas for kidpreneurs.

Today we spotlight a special combo Natural Home Products Curators Eli & Whittney, of Marie et Bernie:

You and your son run Marie et Bernie together, how cool is that?! What inspired you both to become a chemical free home and start a natural home products business? 

We were on a Boy Scouts camping trip and a fellow parent politely declined the chemical bug spray that I offered her because she stated that she makes her own. I became highly intrigued and she instructed me on how she makes all of their personal care and household items using natural ingredients. I knew immediately, I wanted that for my family and so we began our journey towards being chemical free. First we started with our laundry detergent, then to our personal hygiene items, and then to our cleaning supplies. It happened in stages with a spark from a fellow military spouse. 

Eli: What is it like working with your mom everyday in the Natural Home Products business? 

It’s really fun and I think that it’s really cool that we’ve developed a friendship together. 

Eli: What’s your favorite part of the business in the Natural Home Products business? 

I like mixing and making the items that we sell. My favorite to make is our clay face mask because you can put it on our faces and look silly in the mirror! 

Whittney: What is it like working with your son everyday in the Natural Home Products business?  

It’s really great watching him explore and make whatever it is he’s working on his own. For example, we were making the clay face mask (which can be very messy) but when I’m working with him, I enjoy getting messy and dirty. He keeps the playful innocence infused in our daily work activities. 

Whittney: What do you hope he is gaining everyday from being an entrepreneur? 

I hope he gains a “can do” attitude towards life. Yes, he can do whatever he puts his mind to or rolls up his sleeves to try and make happen. No matter how messy.

Mariet et Bernie is named after your grandmother’s Marie and Bernice; do you feel they would be proud of what you both have accomplished? 


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If they were here what is one thing they would say? 

I honestly think they would jokingly (or not) say that I need to whip things by hand instead of with a blender LOL. But, I believe they would be speechless and simply beam with pride. (Eli interjected and said that they would enjoy the continued legacy of their work.- He’s doing a school project on our grandmothers and legacy is the central focus). 

Being in the Natural Home Products business during COVID what shipping challenges have you faced and how do you overcome them? 

We use glass for everything due to our core value of sustainability and reusability for our items. That has been a challenge when it comes to shipping costs due to how heavy our items can be and how fragile they are. We’re still working out the kinks, so if there are any pointers your readers would love to share, we are open to learning and receiving any tips. 

Is Marie et Bernie products created in the USA? 

Yes. We are a military family and we live on base. So even if our service requires us to be reassigned to a foriegn country, our base residence allows us to connect to the US of A! 

Whittney: how do you empower other women (of color) to pursue their dreams? 

I love sharing information that I learn. I recently had a conversation with a nail technician who had some business structuring questions that we hashed out together. I’m not a nail tech, but I sat on the phone with her while we searched up some helpful resources. So for me, it’s about being available and knowledge sharing, and investing. I recently had my taxes filed by another black woman associated with the military and the nail technician I spoke about earlier, I commissioned her to send me several press-on nail sets. I recycle my dollars amongst our businesses and exchange resources as well. I’m very intentional. 

Eli: Are your friends excited that they know a real-life business owner? 

They’re happy that I have a business. It’s the best show and tell. 

Related article: Meet Bella Chung of Bella Slime Time

What big box store would you ideally like to get in?

None actually. I want to remain handmade and made-to-order. Ideally, I want to open  a small shop on a trendy business strip that allows for customers to come in, shop, customize their items, and even partake in some workshops. 

What’s next for Marie et Bernie?  

I would say expanding our inventory to include customizable cold pressed soaps and soy wax candles. Probably hiring a marketing agent to overhaul and redesign our brand as well. 

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

5 Questions for our Mama Bears! Whittney: 

What is your daily self-care routine? 

Well I workout in the morning (either a 6 mile walk or a virtual HITT workout with friend),, reading for fun, getting lost in funny Tik Tok videos  with my son, calls and texts to my village, and very necessary 20 minute naps that may or may not turn into a couple hour slumber.

Best advice you received when you became a mom…

Say your sorry, your kids need to hear that you’re human in  your mistakes and that you see them. 

Favorite thing to do when you have alone time? 

Read. I’m diving into the Bridgerton Book series now…I’m on book 7!)

What would you tell your pre-mom self? 

You’re not fat lol

Your proudest motherhood moment… 

When I first heard my son say “mom” 

5 Questions for our Cub Bears! Eli:

One word to describe you best… 


Your favorite color?


One place you would like to visit? 


First thing you want to do when you turn 21? 


The best thing about being a kid?

I can still go outside and play

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