Meet Sheryl Mays founder of Rise and Shine Consulting and Coaching Firm

Meet Entrepreneur Sheryl Mays founder of Rising & Shine consulting and coaching firm

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Meet Sheryl Mays founder of Rise and Shine Consulting and Coaching Firm.

1. Let’s start with you! What is your story – how did you get started and what is Rise & Shine about? 

I’m an entrepreneur that believes dreams do come true. I have always been an advocate for professional and personal development. My success has been due to a belief that I am on assignment. When I can see a business thriving because of how they take care of those that support them it’s a beautiful picture. There are rewards for taking care of people and making them feel valued. Also when I see someone fulfill a goal, a dream, or an impossibility they have made the impossible possible. That paints another beautiful picture.

Rise and Shine Consulting and Coaching Firm is about a time in my life when I needed to do just that, rise and shine. My symbol is a lotus flower, which is magical, the story of it rising up from the depth of mud and reaching towards the sun, it is a survivor. When the time came to name my company I wanted it to be my brand, my values, and my passions.

2. What motivated you to start a business and does that same motivation keep you focused today? 

My mom and my daughter are my motivation. She was an entrepreneur, at the age she retired, and I knew that was the direction I wanted to take. My daughter is also an entrepreneur.  I worked for others where I  learned, challenged myself, always thought about the next level. That thinking is what keeps me focused; asking the question, “What’s next?” 

3. What challenges did you face in the beginning and how did you overcome them? 

I faced my own self-imposed challenges. That negative chatter that keeps us in the less than I deserve mindset. Also, the fact that some folks aren’t willing to give you a shot… unless you pay for the assistance. I learned that it’s about collaboration. I want to give back to others seeking the guidance that I seeked when I needed to get connected. I overcame that negative chatter and wrote about it in my book for entrepreneurs called, Silencing the Chatter Monsters.

4. Do you work from home and if so, what did you find hinders you from being productive? What tips can you share that keep you focused? 

I was already working from home. I am a time manager making sure  I have a game plan for each day and allowing for a grace period. My tip would be to set a schedule, have a game plan written the night before,  follow the plan, take a walk (or a moment to break the pattern have something to celebrate at the end of each day, and tell yourself you appreciate the work you did today.

5. What systems/programs do you use to help with time management and organization to better your business’s success? 

I use my calendar, an old-fashioned to-do list, and time blocks set for each category of activity. For example, LinkedIn connections, phone calls, administration duties, etc. block sent on each category.

6. What strategies do you use to market Rise & Shine and how have they changed since the pandemic? 

I have always been the person that was in the community. Attending events, volunteering, networking. And since the pandemic, my marketing has been more social media and picking up the phone, actually talking to people. The pandemic has brought us back to the basics.

Related Article: 100 Women in Business Pursuing their Passion: Part Two

7. What is success to you? 

When I have the ability to shut off my calendar and do what I want, It’s helping people see their life in abundance. Using the gift I have been given to make a powerful change in lives. 

8. What is a typical day like for you? How many hours do you spend on your business? 

7:00 am:  Moments of gratitude, devotion, meditation, breakfast

8:00 am: Walk dogs/get fresh air

9:00 am: Business open

7:00 pm: Business closed

7:15 pm: Clean up desk area/write a game plan for next day.

I also have what I deem to be important. Non-negotiables,  I do not work on Sunday and I don’t feel obligated to post on social media over the weekend. I stop work at 7 pm.

9. If you were offered the chance to have dinner with Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama, and Warren Buffet or walkway with $100,000 cash – which would you choose and why?

I would prefer the cash. The time spent with these amazing individuals would be greatly appreciated and an amazing experience. But it would also be timed, censored, and knowing my tenacity with that money I would find a way to get to them. We can also see them via events, TV shows. I’m a more practical thinker. I could touch a lot of lives with that money. 

10. Based on your experience, what are three things every entrepreneur should know? Any advice on someone just starting out? 

1) This is a  marathon, not a sprint, 2) fear and doubt will surface so get ready to combat that negative chatter, 3) know that you were created for a time such as this and you got this!

11. As an instructor for corporate training: how important is customer service to a business and how can someone improve their customer service skills in the beginning?  

Customer Service is vital to the existence of every business. If you can increase your customer retention (meaning create repeat customers) you can increase profits by 20-95%. You can eliminate the frustration of the dreaded pipeline and increase your referrals, increase your sales and accelerate your profits. In the beginning, understand that your customers want something to talk about. Be professional, solve problems, and have product and benefit knowledge. Know that customers are frustrated before they become angry, be a resolution and yes it’s your job!

12. In 2022, you have a new book coming out “Let’s Give them Something to Talk about: Create Brand Evangelists”; can you share what this is about? 

Customers have needs that are basic and warrant they tell others about your business and how you treated them. You have to visit the mind of the customer, get creative, and provide memorable moments. This can be done without breaking the bank and it is for the solopreneur to any sized company. It’s a funny walk through the experience of a customer, showing the importance of using the elements of S.A.L.E. (simplicity, accountability, loyalty, and an experience). 

13. What books would you recommend for entrepreneurs to read? Any books that inspire you? 

Jack Canfield, Success Principles, Moments of Power Chip and Dan Heath, and The Resilient Leader Christine Perakis and  Next Level Thinking by Joel Osteen and of course my book Silencing the Chatter Monsters, Move Beyond Your Fear, Sheryl Mays.  

14. Did you ever feel like giving up on your business and/or writing? If yes, what was one thing that made you change your mind and keep going? 

Yes, I did feel like giving up on both my writing and my business. I had to remember “my why”. There are loads of talks, webinars, seminars, about your “why”. It is a magical, powerful concept. It is your values and you can’t run from them if they are truly from your passion. Sometimes I felt like I didn’t have anything else to say only because I had heard it already. But the reality is we have a mental capacity to retain information about 30 minutes after it has been presented, then with each passing hour we lose more and more of the information. So by sharing what I know in a unique fun method that retention increases and people are able to implement what we discuss and see the results.  Me giving up is not an option.

15. How did you grow your customer base and following? 

Consistency, providing value, and being myself and not a copy of others. It’s still growing I’m not at the place where I can standstill. I’m looking now at growing my YouTube channel which I haven’t spent much time doing.

16. How do you balance social media marketing and the day-to-day administrative tasks of running a business? 

Maintaining my game plan for the day. Using scheduling tools and focusing on the platforms that have my customer.

17. December is here, wow! How do you plan and set your goals? Have you set your goals for 2022? 

I plan my goals yearly, quarterly, monthly and weekly. I also belong to a mastermind group which is an accountability group. I have BHAG (big hairy audacious goal) then yearly goals for each part of the business and break those into small tangible bites. My BHAG goals, I have no plan as to how they will happen. I give that to the creator and the universe. Yes, I’m finishing my final two goals for this year. And, one will carry into the second week of January but it’s getting completed. Yes, I have already set my goals for  2022.

18. Lastly, do you have any special resource/offer to share? 

If you are in business visit my website for a complimentary session valued at $1200 on increasing referrals, increasing sales, and accelerating profits, called Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About.

For personal development, in fulfilling your dreams, goals, and aspirations let’s set up a discovery call also download my complimentary resource called Affirm Your Truth: Creating Powerful Affirmations for Life and Business by visiting the free resources tab on my website.


5  Spotlight Questions! 


What is your daily self-care routine?

First mind, energy, physical activity, and healthy food.

Best advice you received…

Everyone doesn’t start on the 80- yard line.

Favorite thing to do when you have alone time… 

Sit and read, watch the squirrels, butterflies in my yard, listen to the wind.

What would you tell your eighteen-year-old self? 

Don’t doubt the possibilities of your dreams. Coming true. Get Ready!

What would be your natural talent if you weren’t doing this? 

Serving others, in any capacity.


To connect with Sheryl: 



Instagram: @riseandshinecf | Phone: 407-205-2142

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