Meet The Podcaster Launcher Rayna Booth

Welcome to a Curvy Mom Blog. We are uber excited to have you within our community to share your story. 



Hey girlie, thanks for joining us today, I am super excited about this chat. What motivated you to start Rayna Booth Podcast launch & management services? 

A: Honestly, becoming a mom forced me to really look at my life and ask myself am I living the life I want to live? What brings joy to my life?

For someone looking to start a podcast; what should they know/do before deciding to launch? 

A: Before deciding to launch your podcast, you need to ask yourself and answer these 3 questions: 1) Who is my target audience? 2) What’s the mission of your podcast? 3) What is the goal for your podcast?

How has the journey of entrepreneurship been since you launched your company?

A: The journey of entrepreneurship is not a straight path. There are ups and downs, twists and turns. I think entrepreneurship forced me to really look at myself and have confidence in myself. A lot of women look for outside validation to know if they are doing a “good job” when really we have to find that self validation within ourselves. My journey is not a straight path, I’m learning new things everyday. I’ve failed but I don’’t let that stop me from going after my dreams. I focus on why I started this journey in the first place, to live a life I love on my own terms.

What is involved in a Podcast Audit and why is it needed?

A: The podcast audit is for any podcaster who wants to take their podcast to the next level. They may or may not have DIY’d their launch but they have about 50 episodes released and are wanting to know the health of their show. The podcast audit takes a comprehensive look at your podcasts visibility, marketing, episode structure, podcast content, etc. Whatever the goal is, the podcast audit provides you with the necessary tools you need to achieve the goal you have for your podcast.

What systems/programs do you use to help with time management and organization to better your business success?
A: I am an old school pen and paper kind of girl. I love a good planner or journal but I love a good project management tool. Currently I’m using Asana but ClickUp and Trello are good options as well. Within Asana, I have different projects and boards for different parts of my business- marketing, administration, onboarding/offboarding, sales, etc. Without Asana, I would be lost in space. 

As a business owner, mom of a 3 year old and wife, time is something I don’t take for granted. I really try and make sure I’m present with what I’m doing at that point in the day. I love to plan out my weeks on Sundays. I don’t plan tasks and projects down to the minute but I do look at what I have going on each week in my business and personal life and plug in the tasks where they fit and make sense. My calendar isn’t so rigid that it doesn’t allow for things to shift or move but when it’s work time I’m 100% focused on work and when it’s family time I’m 100% present. That’s not to say business and personal don’t overlap sometimes because they do.

Another thing that saves me time is automating as many things I can in my business. The onboarding and offboarding of clients, social media posting, invoices, etc. If I can set up a quick and easy system to accomplish a goal that allows me to have even 30 minutes of time back, I will automate that task.

What is a typical day like for you? How many hours do you spend on your business? Please breakdown by hours (7:00 am, 8:00 am etc.).

A: Every day is different. That’s one thing I love about the podcasting industry. Yes, there are things that never change but a typical day for me  goes like this:

6am – wakeup, I’m not a morning person I prefer nights

8am – get son off to daycare

845am – Back at home, going over what is on my calendar and looking at tasks that need to get done both business and personal. For example, I try to have 2 personal tasks and 3 business tasks accomplished each day. Eat breakfast and pour a cup of coffee. Sometimes I might journal. This is the time I check emails and also client communication channels.

930am – Get to work, tackling either personal or business first. Depends on the time to complete each tasks

12pm – Lunch

12:45pm – 330pm – complete the rest of the tasks on my to-do list, join any scheduled meetings

9pm-11pm – Sometimes if I need to finish a tasks for a client I will work at night for an hour or two

Why is starting a podcast a good way to grow your business?

A: Starting a podcast has many benefits to helping entrepreneurs grow their businesses because it’s a great way to build community and connection. Podcasts provide an easy way to get information to your audience and it’s convenient for them as most people listen to podcasts while doing other things like walking the dog or driving. Having a podcast for your business also has an easy barrier for entry, especially for people who are uncomfortable with being on video.

Podcasting can also help you reach new audiences for your business as it builds familiarity. Listeners are more likely to subscribe to a podcast they like so they can regularly listen. Podcasts build the know, like, trust factor 5x faster than any other platform. Podcasts convert at a higher rate than written content on Facebook or Instagram. 

Podcast listeners are highly engaged and are more likely to purchase something they heard about on a podcast. Having your own podcasts also builds authority in your niche so your listeners will see you as the go-to expert. You can sell out your 1:1 or group programs through your podcast and increase your brand’s visibility.

There are so many benefits to starting a podcast and I believe if done strategically it can have a major impact on your brand and business.

What are your favorite podcasts to listen to?

A: I’m a true crime junkie so anything along those lines, I’ll listen. But currently on weekly listen right now is Crime Junkie and Strictly Stalking. I listen to all genres of podcasts from true crime, entrepreneurship, business, personal development & growth, even comedy.

In your opinion, what makes a great podcast host? 

A: In my opinion, I think a great podcast is one that solves a very specific problem and positions themselves in the gap.  I think a great podcast might not have the best audio but the content and messaging is fire! I also think a great podcast is engaging, the host loves what they do, and they are clear on how to interact with them outside of the podcast.

How do you balance motherhood and growing a digital business? 

A: Balance, what’s that? Lol 

I think balance looks different for everyone but for me if I can go to sleep at night knowing my family is safe and happy and I’m providing my clients with the support they need to take their podcast to the next level then I’m happy. 

There are some days where I might give more of my attention to my business than family or personal responsibilities and vice versa but I know everything has a phase and it will all work out in the end.

Do you ever have a social media time-out for a week or more? 

A: Social media and I have a love hate relationship. I’ve never been a big poster of what’s going on in my personal life on social media before I started my business so it was and still is something I have to be intentional about. You can go down the scrolling rabbit hole on any of those social media platforms but if you have a clear goal and plan then you won’t feel like you have to be on there 24 hours a day. Who has time for that, not me.

So, I now focus the majority of my time on Facebook right now. I do have an instagram account for my business but I found I was trying to be in too many places at once. And honestly trying to keep up with all the algorithm changes is exhausting.

That way I won’t get burned out and quit posting and networking on social media all together.

What books would you recommend for entrepreneurs to read? Any books that inspire you? 

A: A few that I recommend is We Should All Be Millionaires by Rachel Rodgers, Atomic Habits by James Clear, and Untamed by Glennon Doyle

How did you grow your customer base and following? 

A: When I started out, it was me hitting the social media streets and networking with people. I would offer to do small tasks for testimonials and gain experience. And from networking or offering a task or two for free, they are either hired to work on their podcasts full time. Some clients even come to me through referral from biz friends and clients, current or past.

How do you balance social media marketing and the day to day administrative tasks of running a business? 

A: I use Asana to keep my content organized and I also use Planoly, a third party posting app, to schedule and automatically post for me. Like I said earlier, time is limited and anything I can do to automate repetitive tasks I’m all about it. That way I’m freaking out about what to post that day. I set aside one day a week to write and schedule my social media content.

How do you protect your peace with clients (business relationships); what boundaries do you set? 

A: BOUNDARIES! BOUNDARIES! A lesson I learned when I first started was giving a client my phone number and telling her to text me when she needs something. We thought it would be the best way for us to communicate. Turns out it was horrible. She would text me all day everyday and at all hours of the day and night. After two months of this I knew something had to change. I set new boundaries from there on out, with her and any new client I took on. 

Boundaries I’ve set: 

All communication is through Slack

I have office hours when I respond to messages and set off days where clients can message me but my response will be within my scheduled office hours. I also set up a calendaring system for clients to schedule monthly meetings. This has saved me and has allowed me to not feel overwhelmed. I’m able to plan my days and support my clients with clear communication and boundaries right from the start.

When you start a podcast what tips would you give for finding the right guest to join?

A: Finding the right guests can be hard if you’re not clear from the beginning on what your podcast is about and who it’s for. When looking for guests for your podcast, bring on experts that complement what you do. You want someone who has a complimentary audience as you. You want a guest that knows the topic inside and out and can provide real value to your guests. No fluff. Remember, your guests are a reflection of you. Your listeners will assume you are bringing this person on because you trust them and you know what they are about. Bottom line, you don’t want just anyone on your show. Be strategic. It’s a partnership for you and the guest.

Is Clubhouse a good platform to start practicing with before you start your podcast? 

A: I think Clubhouse can help people with their public speaking skills and getting comfortable with putting their opinions out to the world. Clubhouse has some really good things about it that works well with podcasting.

In your day, what keeps you motivated to continue growing Rayna Booth, when these days get long {chuckle}? 

A: Trust me, there have been a few times where I looked at my husband and said “Am I crazy for doing this?” He always says no babe, go after your dreams! So he keeps me motivated. He is my biggest cheerleader and supporter. I want to empower women to use their voices to make a positive impact and change the world. And that keeps me going.

She’s on the Mic is your Facebook group: what inspired you to start this community? 

A: I want to empower women to use their voices to make a positive impact and change the world. There are a lot of women who want to start a podcast but are intimidated by the tech and thinking they have to be this Joe Rogan celebrity to have success in the podcasting space. I’m here to tell all women, that’s not true! You can have a successful podcast that makes an impact in your niche. I want to show women that there is space for them in this industry and their presence is needed.

Who/what inspires you to continue being an entrepreneur?

A: My family. I’m doing this for them! They keep me motivated to keep going, keep pushing myself to dream big.

What’s coming down the pipeline for Rayna Booth?

A: Gosh, so many things are on my radar but the newest thing coming down the pipeline is my group coaching program. This program helps entrepreneurs launch their podcasts in 90 days without worrying about the tech. It’s called Podcast Launch Accelerator, doors open May 1, 2022.

What would you like to leave our readers with today? 

A: I would love for your readers to know that there are so many ways to market your business. Pick one strategy and go all in for at least 30 or 60 days. If podcasting is the right marketing channel for you, don’t shy away from being yourself and sharing your knowledge. Your audience needs to hear your message. If you’re looking for support or wondering where to start, join my Facebook group She’s On The Mic! Also, download my free 12 step Podcast Launch Checklist about how to start your podcast


5  Spotlight Questions! 


What is your daily self-care routine?

I try and journal at least 3 times a week.Helps me release bottled up emotions

Best advice you received…

Always trust yourself. Even when things feel hard, trust yourself.

Favorite thing to do when you have alone time… 

Catch up on Real Housewives or 90 Day Fiance

What would you tell your eighteen-year-old self? 

 Life is not always easy or fair. When your plans don’t work out, don’t quit pivot. And believe in yourself because if you don’t know one else will.

What would be your natural talent if you weren’t doing this? 

I’m a people person so I would probably be doing something that involves interacting with people. I love hearing about how people grew up and how they got to the place they are now.


Connect with Rayna Booth: 

Website | Instagram | Email

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