Meet Virgo Girl Media Social Media Manager Rachel

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Rachel and I, at my book launch in 2013

My how time flies…I met Rachel Salvato so many years ago that I can’t even remember. The first thing which stood out to me was her open and honest feedback. While most people “for hire” would take your money and not think twice, Rachel shared her opinions, suggestions and even declined projects she was unable to handle due to time constraints. Rachel, not only brings you creativity and marketing strategies, but she is constantly helping others to define their brand and online identity. Oh, what a task! In an already crowded room of loud mouth big spender brands, how can a little ole small business – startup make noise. Rachel Salvato is your answer!

But Rachel is not only a digital marketer, but is constantly giving back to her community. She is constantly traveling and volunteering with groups from her church or organizations within New York City helping causes dear to her heart. She is actually hosting an event to support the GO Project of New York, get more details about how you can attend her event here.

We, at Virgo Girl Media are not only thrilled to have her on board, but are ecstatic she agreed to an interview to give a glimpse into her life of digital marketing.

Five things any social marketing guru should carry at any given time…

Smartphone. A smartphone is more than 5 things combined!

Your first job from college,

waiting tables! Honestly that was the best marketing training I ever had. I would make up “specials” and sell them to my guests – it totally worked, and I always almost had the highest food and drink sales.

Have you always wanted to be in social media marketing?

When I was in college Facebook was just becoming Facebook, so the idea that there would be a need for someone to manage this new social media wave wasn’t yet on my radar. I did study marketing, so I  had learned the importance of brand awareness, and social media is just that.

Tell us a bit about managing your day job, working with Virgo Girl Media and balancing any other projects you have…

For me, it’s all about time management. When I am at my 8-5 job I have to be very careful about working on other projects. I always make sure going into the day I don’t have anything outstanding in my freelance gigs. I set time aside time at night to maintain my freelance accounts, then during the week I just have to maintain them.

What inspired you to start your own business?

The work I was doing in the social world didn’t seem like work to me. Working for myself absolutely played a role in that. Once I took on a second clients, more followed, and before I knew it I was a brand! Salvato Social is just an umbrella that I can categorize all my freelance gigs into.  

How do you inspire other women to become entrepreneurs?

Showing up to support one another! Show up to the events that your fellow friends are hosting or attending, it means the difference between a good event, and a great event for them. In turn, they will show up for you!

Biggest challenge for working for yourself…

Keeping consistent. I firmly believe that you need to be consistent in your marketing to get noticed.

Social media marketing while becoming popular some companies still need convincing; how does one go about pitching this as a job opportunity to these skeptical companies?

The old way of marketing is outdated, people don’t read paper anymore, everything is digital. With information so easily accessible, people do their research before deciding on what to spend their money on. If you can’t be researched then you will become extinct.

Greatest reward…

Whenever a client gives me a compliment. It means alot to know that what I do for them is helping them and saves them time, so they can focus on other aspects of their business.

Best career moment…

In 2014 I received an award for Young Adult of the Year given by the Church Club of NY. It was awarded for a (then) recent mission trip I took part in. It was amazing to get recognized for something I didn’t do for the regonizationation. It unexpectedly opened a lot of doors and connections in my career that I continue to nourish.

Best part of being a freelance/entrepreneur working in New York City…

NYC is so inspiring. If ever I am feeling down, I just take a walk and remind myself that I am so lucky to live in the greatest city in the world. The city itself puts a smile on my face and gets my brain thinking. I am truly inspired by the people, places and stores that call New York City home.

What advice do you have to share for women looking to build a future within social marketing?

Don’t just focus on “social media”. The entire point of social media is to attract traffic to your website and grow your customer base. Build great content, on the business’ blog if possible, and share that on social media platforms. That will be the most successful way to grow a company’s business and develop new customer relationships.

What do you love about working with Virgo Girl Media?

I love that Virgo Girl Media was my first client. I started working with Missy over three years ago, and have learned so much. Looking back I almost laugh at how far we have come, and all that we have accomplished. I look forward to expanding the VGM brand even more.  

Five year goal…

I would love to be able to leave the comfort of my 8 – 5 job and do all freelance work. Having to come into work each day is so daunting – I want to be able to make my own schedule.

Share a social media “tip”

Spell check.


What would you tell your 21 year-old self?

Work smart. If you work smart you can have more time to do the things you love.

I start my day with…

My favorite days start with a run around my neighborhood with my boyfriend and a filling breakfast, with coffee! (Currently love the Dunkin Donuts app!!)

If you could invite any woman to dinner, who would it be?

Oprah!! She is open and honest – she would be fun to have a conversation with.

Best advice you have received?

“You have to make a decision, you either want it, or you don’t.” Most times it’s as simple as Yes or No. Don’t overthink your decisions.  

Life motto you live by?

Never let money affect your decision.

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