Meet the Virgo Girl’s PR Manager Geralisa “GiGi” Eades

Geralisa “Gigi” Eades was a city girl who decided to migrate to South Carolina after high school to attend South Carolina State University, where she received a Bachelor of Arts in Professional English. She later received her MBA from Argosy University. After school, the social butterfly put her dreams of living the city life on hold to be closer to her goddaughter in Roanoke, Virginia. Being close to DC, her love for public relations grew, as she was constantly inspired by the creative artists living in the city. As her network in the “nation’s capital” grew, so did her business relationships with artists looking to be heard, in a city known for not having much to offer in terms of entertainment. Although her home base was Virginia, Gigi started small with one artist for whom she would open closed doors and pave the way to a future in music entertainment. One client led to another and then another until her love for public relations could no longer be ignored. Gigi knew she needed to be in a bigger place than Roanoke, but her love for family and friends wouldn’t allow her to say good-bye, not yet.

On a bittersweet late night, Gigi received a call that her best friend, her sister from another mother, was killed by a drunk driver along with her fiancé. In a dark place, depressed, living day-to-day without any hope or passion, her love for public relations seemed unimportant. Nothing mattered anymore as her world was shattered and would forever be changed.

Gigi wouldn’t let this traumatic event keep her down for long, though. She knew that her best friend would want her to be happy, she would want her to live for the day like she had nothing to lose and party every night with no regrets. She gave her two-week notice to her job, threw some bags in her trunk, and headed home to DC, where she could be near her family and chase her dreams.

With no regrets, Gigi is turning her passion into profit and we, the Virgo Girl, were lucky to snag such a rising superstar. Gigi’s positive attitude and diligence have both paid off. Admitting that her line of work also requires a LOT of reading, researching, and networking, Ms. Eades’s enthusiasm never wavers, and her partnership with the Virgo Girl has pushed her to venture deeper into the business she loves. Sitting down for a moment to actually speak with The Virgo Girl, we were able to catch up with her and discuss the ambitions she has crossed off her list, sharing her own tale of motivation for the rest of us to appreciate and learn from.


Jumping right in: Why PR, with its massive attitudes, long nights, party after party . . . ?

Well, I’m young, single, and on the scene anyway, so why not get paid to do the things I enjoy? I found a niche for organizing events, and making people look good. So it never feels like work!

You recently moved from Virginia to the DC; how has the move impacted your PR life? Can you live up to the PR hype without being in major cities such as NYC, LA, or Chicago?

First of all, DC is a major city, thank you very much! lol . . . But really, this city has so much life, art, music, and style. There are so many untapped markets here, I think it’s the perfect place to be as a new PR girl. I think the move did nothing but give me time to focus more. I started working heavily in PR while in Virginia, but my schedule did not allow me to make as many events as I would have liked to. Not only that, but a plane ride from the middle of nowhere can cost an arm and a leg. So the move has definitely had a positive effect on my ability to connect and network.

What PR industry do you work with mostly?

Definitely the arts. My dream starting out was to be in fashion, and while I would still love to work in that area, I’m happy working with the artsy, authors, and music artists.

Tell us about your partnership with the Virgo Girl and how it has been.

Missy and TGV have really shown me my potential. She had faith in my ability even when I was not quite sure of it myself. The projects I have worked on have pushed me in a very positive way and have helped me create quite a portfolio for this brand-spanking-new PR girl.

In the startup phase of building your business/brand how do you find clients?

The same way I find clients, connections, and events for the brands I work with. Networking and research, research and networking. And lots and lots of reading.

What are you loving in the PR business right now?

I loooove my initial client consultations; I love when a client goes, “Hmmm, I never thought of that,” or “Wow, you’re right.” It reminds me that I’m good at this, and this is what I should be doing. And it gives them confidence in my ability.

Essentials PR girls should carry include . . .

A portable makeup bag, a car and travel phone charger, some sort of electronic, your laptop or iPad (I carry both), a smile, and a positive attitude.

What are some tips for women starting out in PR?

Be confident in your ability and fake it until you make it! I’m not saying lie about your accomplishments, but never let a client see you sweat and always make them understand why they need you.

Tell us about your company and what services you provide.

Hot Commodity Creative Consulting, or HC3,is a full-service, accommodating public relations boutique specializing in events, press releases, imaging, and social media marketing and management.

Talk about the challenges/highlights in working with startups.

The challenges . . . where do I begin? I would say if I had to pick one, managing the image of my own company while focusing on my client’s images. Sometimes I tend to neglect my own websites, social media, etc. Highlights: the people I meet, the connections I make, and definitely the endless travel. Again—single, no kids, so I’m taking full advantage!

How do you develop and maintain relationships with the media?

Research and relentlessness. I think the key to keeping yourself relevant is to not burn bridges, and to keep your name in the mix. That means being interactive on social media and different companies’ sites, sending press releases and announcements of accomplishments, finding out someone’s birthday and wishing them a good one. Things like this will help you to be remembered.

How do you empower/inspire other women?

I’ve always said I can definitely appreciate the beauty and power of other women. My goal is to uplift other women, and their businesses through mine. When I have built up a following for myself and HC I will use it as a platform to promote not only women but also positive black businesses.

What is your three-year goal?

In three years I will have a physical location for HC3 with a team of young, innovative Millennials learning and working alongside me.


What would you tell your 21-year-old self?

It’s okay to work for free; do an internship while you have the chance.

I start my day with . . .

A bottle of water, green tea, and some good old-school gospel music.

If you could invite any woman to dinner, who would it be?

Jazmine Sullivan and Michelle Obama, of course!

Best advice you have received?

Do not compromise your values or goals for temporary moments of pleasure. Pain is gain!

Life motto you live by?

Carpe diem.

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