Meet Whitney of Ebony Bea Boutique

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Welcome to a Curvy Mom Blog. We are uber excited to have you within our community to share your story. 

Today, we spotlight Whitney of Ebony Bea Boutique

Thank you so much for agreeing to interview with us. I must say, I absolutely love your brand and clothes selection. Ebony Bea has definitely been added to my go-to shop for the cute boss and date-night outfits. 

1. What was your inspiration behind starting Ebony Bea? 

After having my second child, I gained weight. In my search to find clothes that fit me well at my new size, I became a little frustrated, to say the least. I just wanted clothing that was not just the right size but also fit well for my size. I began selling all sizes initially, but soon dropped regular sizes and focused on plus size. I felt that it was necessary to focus on one area and plus size was my life at that time. The budget was also a factor because most pre-packs do not include regular and plus sizes. I decided to go with the name Ebony after my sister passed away when she was about 19 months old and Bea is short for my mom’s middle name, Beatrice.

2. I know being a curvy customer is a challenge while shopping online sometimes, you never know how a new brand will fit your body. As a curvy new customer is there a recommended go-to dress that you refer to women? 

On our site, I definitely recommend that Kyra dress for special occasions. It will restock soon. And Lola because it is a definite favorite. The style works because it can flatter many different shapes. In general terms, I would say that a baby doll dress cannot be beaten. They are usually quite flattering and can be dressed up or worn casually. 

3. What was your biggest challenge with creating Ebony Bea? 

The greatest challenge was believing in myself. Honestly, I had times when I felt like I was not always a good representation of what Ebony Bea was. In my vision, an Ebony Bea Beauty was confident, bold, and about her business. And there were definitely moments that I felt, “why would someone buy from me?”. And to get over that hurdle, I have to remind myself of the purpose and the vision of this awesome brand that I created. 

4. How does Ebony Bea differ from other women’s boutiques? 

I think Ebony Bea is different because the end vision for Ebony Bea is to go beyond just dressing the bosses but to also offer them mentorship, investment in their dreams as well as encouragement for their own journeys. And I hope to launch part two of the vision very soon. 

5. I adore your pieces, I even found a few that were sold out {chuckles}, when this happens for a small business owner how do you make the decision on whether to restock or order something different?

 I restock based on demand and inquiry after the item is sold out as well as the availability with the vendor. If it is an Ebony Bea original, like the Signature Ebony Bea Jogger and Track Jacket or Annie Shaper, I reorder based on demand every time. If they want it; they get it. 


Shop She.E.O outfits at Ebony Bea: 15% Off Promo Code: CurvyMom


6. Your website is amazing by the way; I’m so proud of you for having a clean, high visual website that’s easy for the customer to use. What was your experience with building your website, because I know designers can be a challenge within themselves to work with?

I actually went through a few themes before deciding on the current one. I like the clean look and ease of use. And I remember a little bit of the HTML that I learned in school, to go in and fidget with the code if it’s absolutely necessary. Overall, I actually like going in and making text and photo updates when needed. However, I have entertained the thought of having someone custom design one for me. Maybe in the future. 

7. As I mentioned before, your clothes selections are amazing. Being a curvy woman myself, it’s hard to find pieces that are flattering and fit all areas at times {chuckles}. I have always wondered how boutique buyers determine the dress styles and sizes for curvy women? 

Well, I definitely understand that every piece is not for every ‘body’. So when I create the description I try to be as clear as possible about the fit. I also try to order several items in a wide range of styles and fits to accommodate all of the diversity in the plus-size community. Once you know your body shape and what areas you need more or less room in, it makes it a lot easier to go straight to the styles that work best. 

8. Being a woman of color in the fashion industry, do you find it highly competitive or have you found more support with other women? 

Honestly, I cannot say I have had a lot of support from other women with boutiques. I do not believe it is because it is not there, but more so because I am not in the circles of women that own clothing boutiques often. And unfortunately in a small town, there is sometimes a fear of collaboration. It can be a little weird. But I am definitely open to someone that can identify with life. 

9. Share with us what a typical day is like for you… 

On a typical day, I get the kids situated with their lessons for the day, get the 3-year-old fed and entertained, then hubby and I plan out who will work from home and who will be going to the office for the day. I am a director of a healthcare company so I have to check in with the program director and home managers to make sure everything is ok, also check emails and return phone calls, etc. Then at the end of the day with that business, I go to Ebony Bea. My peaceful place! I have an office downtown in a historical building with other small business owners and I get things done; orders, restocks, inventory, creating reels, etc.

10. What is one lesson that you have learned since starting Ebony Bea? 

Focus on where you are! And what I mean by that is often I am several mental steps ahead of the tasks that I am currently working to get done. And this causes the to-do list to grow a lot because things are being put off. I would also say, stick to a budget. It can become very difficult to pass up new items from vendors, but I have to so the budget is met and not exceeded.

11. In 2021, do you find social media marketing is helpful for Ebony Bea, or do you find customers elsewhere? 

Social media marketing has been an essential part of growing my business. I have an ads manager that creates most of the ads and gets them in front of the right people. She’s awesome. 

12. Tell us one thing that people do not know about owning a boutique… 

It is not about the clothing at all! It is about presenting an idea or experience. If someone needs a dress for a party, you are not just selling the dress to them. The dress determines their experience at the party; how they will make their entrance and if it will be a lasting impression. It is the same for loungewear, it is not just about having something to throw on. Those items also need to give you a relaxing feeling and make the home even more homey. 

13. Have you found that COVID has helped your business sales or decreased them? 

My sales grew exponentially during COVID. It was almost like everyone had a chance to review their wardrobes/closets and realized they needed more beautiful pieces. 

14. Being an online business removes a lot of the high overhead costs that come with having a storefront, however, do you wish to open a store one day? 

I am happy with just being online at the moment, but if the right building and situation presented itself, I would strongly consider it. 

15. What is your next goal for Ebony Bea? 

The next goal is to launch the non-profit portion and get to mentoring, encouraging, and investing in the next generation of bosses.

16. What advice would you give someone wanting to get in this business? 

I would say, stick to your vision, it is ok to adjust as you learn things, but do not be afraid to stay in your lane. Bea Original, Bea Inspirational, and Bea You!


5  Spotlight Questions! 


What is your daily self-care routine?

I spend about an hour to myself in the mornings; I complete my skincare routine and spend time meditating and praying.

Best advice you received…

And this is actually a quote of mine, “Sometimes recess is necessary for progress”. It helps me to know that things may seem quiet like nothing is working, but it is all coming together in the background. And sometimes it’s fine to step away. I took almost 2 years away from the business with my last pregnancy because of illness and adjusting to my new life. But I came back and Ebony Bea is the best that it has ever been.

Favorite thing to do when you have alone time… 

Shop on Amazon.

What would you tell your eighteen-year-old self? 

You do not have to go to a four-year college just because of what you think others will say. Pursue what you like and make your own path.

What would be your natural talent if you weren’t doing this? 

I would say, being a motivational speaker or acting. I did some plays, independent and short films, and extra roles when I lived in Atlanta.


To connect with Ebony Bea: 


Instagram | Facebook 

Shop She.E.O outfits at Ebony Bea: 15% Off Promo Code: CurvyMom

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