Mama Bear Spotlight Sunday: Meet Mompreneur, fiance, healthcare administrator, blogger of Sex on a Weekday – Heather Abell
Every Sunday we will be spotlighting a mompreneur that rocks to be featured in our “Mama Bear Spotlight” series.
The Mama Bear Spotlight series was created to feature mompreneurs who are not only moms but also creators, writers, business owners, and more. These women are showing us how they balance motherhood, passion projects, businesses all while staying true to their inner self. What was the inspiration behind the name Sex on a Weekday? I wanted to create a space for women who were struggling to wear all of society’s many hats and feeling burnt out. Finding a great work-life balance is difficult. Sex On a Weekday is a metaphor for finding what you are passionate about every single day and doing that. Being a blogger, some people assume oh she has a perfect life and only works 5-6 hours a week, which is the furthest from the truth. Can you share how many hours you spend managing Sex on a Weekday and what the hours entail? I spend all of my spare time creating content, networking, and engaging with my audience on social media. At least 15 hours a week, if not more. What has been the best marketing method for your blog? Finding a group of like-minded individuals has been key. Women bloggers, content creators, and/or influencers in the motherhood and lifestyle space. The clubhouse has been a major networking opportunity for me. I like to go into new rooms and meet people. I tend to search out topics on healthcare, work-life balance, time management, motherhood, and social media tactics. You’re engaged, Congratulations! How is the wedding planning going and how has COVID affected it (if any)? Thank you so so much! We got engaged about two months ago and have really been enjoying this time. We have been together for 7 years so we aren’t in much of a rush to have a wedding, we really just want to plan the perfect day. Covid hasn’t affected our planning thus far, but I will cross my fingers.
You’re a mom, fiance, healthcare administrator, blogger, how do you balance the many hats? Balance is really relative. I have a concept on my blog called the Iron Triangle. It talks about the three major points that need to be balanced: career, family, self-care. Think of the triangle’s base as the two points you are giving the most attention to, the point at the top is the one you are juggling and fitting in when you can. Currently, I am putting the most focus on my family, next to my blog and a corporate job, last – self-care. You can’t always have a perfect balance, your triangle is going to skew as your priorities shift. Giving yourself grace and not letting it break my stride is the important part. How do you deal with cyber haters, if any, and what advice would you give for others who do? You cannot be everything to everybody. I am sure that there are people out there that think my platform is silly or do not have similar views that I have, that’s truly okay. I haven’t had anyone be hateful to me so far. Being a blogger in Florida do you find there is a big blogger support system there or do you find it in other cities? I haven’t met any bloggers here in Florida. So far my support system has been in groups online. Women who either create content or blog understand the struggle of finding balance. How has writing been a stress reliever for you? Ever since I was a child, I have loved to write. I started out writing stories and then letters. Eventually, I began journaling. There is something about expressing your feelings onto paper that truly helps me process. I tend to internalize things, so bringing them to light allows me to work through them, even if it takes time. I love #CassidysBookClub, I try to read to my little one every night with the hopes he will love books as well. Does Cassidy pick her own books each month that she wants to read? Share with us her process. Cassidy’s Book Club started out with second-hand books being given to me by an old boss. Her kids had outgrown them, so she gave them to me. At the time I was rotating her toys and I started to do the same with her books so that I could see which books she was fond of. As she got older, her bedtime remained the same, so every night she picks two books from her shelf and we read them together. I try to switch up her books every month. Prior to covid we would go to Barnes and Noble on the weekends and let her choose a new book. Now I order from Amazon. I like to choose books for her that aren’t just silly stories but have lessons built into them. A Lot of them focus on the importance of being unique, not being scared to be different, being kind, etc. There is a lot of hate in the world right now and I want her to see the good.
How do you separate being Heather the mom, fiance, blogger of Sex on a Weekday, etc., and Heather the individual woman? This is such a great question. You have to spend time with yourself. Learn what you are passionate about, what drives you, what are your shortcomings, and your wins? There isn’t a single area in your life that gets to define you. You define yourself. During COVID how do you get creative for family time? We started celebrating the little things. Each holiday I would make a huge deal out of it. We would decorate, listen to music, make fun treats. Cassidy’s favorite thing that we started doing together is scavenger hunts! I search them on Pinterest and print them. We take them on our walks and drives.
What’s next for Sex on a Weekday? Well, we just redid our website. I think this layout is a lot more user-friendly. Currently, we are working on wedding-related content. I am hoping to be able to get on a consistent schedule for releasing blog posts. I want to either get into doing Patreon content or clubhouse/Instagram live to connect directly with our followers. Related article: Meet your Mompreneur and Poet Chela Mcclain
5 Questions for our Mama Bears!
What is your daily self-care routine?
To be honest, I don’t have much of a self-care routine. I like to start my mornings with coffee and worship music. It sets the tone for a great day. At night time, I like using essential oils and talking in the Mom Time clubhouse room with my internet friends.
Best advice you received when you became a mom…
I think the best thing I ever did was trust my instincts and not focus on what others were saying. As a new mom, everyone wants to teach you something or tell you what to do. Cancel out the noise and enjoy that bonding time with your baby.
Favorite thing to do when you have alone time…
I love watching youtube or funny TikTok videos.
What would you tell your pre-mom self?
To wait and see what God has planned for her. To remain faithful because he is going to provide more than you can imagine.
Your proudest motherhood moment…
I become more proud every single day. Whether it is listening to Cassidy use new vocabulary or tell a funny joke. I also get really proud when I think of how awesome Darrin and I are doing at this parenting thing.