Meet your Professionally Sassy Mompreneur, Tammie Polk

Meet mompreneur - Tammie Polk

Mama Bear Spotlight Sunday: Meet Mompreneur Tammie Polk of Professionally Sassy

Every Sunday we will be spotlighting a mompreneur that rock to be featured in our “Mama Bear Spotlight” series.

The Mama Bear Spotlight series was created to feature mompreneurs who are not only moms but also creators, writers, business owners and more.

These women are showing us how they balance motherhood, passion projects, businesses all while staying true to their inner self.

Professionally, you are a Goal & Dream Fulfillment Coach, please share what this entails?  

My goal and joy are to help women see what is possible! I serve married, Christian professional women with children who battle with doing what they want to do because of the demands placed on their lives. My mission is to help them eliminate excuses in life and business and take a break from reality when needed. I want them to understand that their goals and dreams matter.

What do you tell women who have excuses; valid ones; but still excuses when it comes to making time to get things done?  

I tell them to acknowledge and take advantage of downtime. They usually respond by saying that they don’t have any, but that’s not true. Time spent waiting in just about any situation is downtime! I say it like this, “what are you doing when you’re waiting in your car to be serviced, on hold on the phone, in the line at the grocery, store, etc.?” Those are moments of downtime. I also tell them to set a schedule for themselves, allow for flexibility, and communicate their needs to their families so that they know what they need to do to help.

For me, during this past year-plus with COVID, I found myself extremely overwhelmed trying to balance pregnancy, WFH, two children, distant learning, being a fiance and planning a wedding, all while trying to focus on my business. It became too much and I realized that in order for me to stay out of the nuthouse {chuckle} I had to prioritize and practice extreme productivity.  What productivity tips would you give an overwhelmed mom?  

I call my approach the Daily Five. Look at your to-do list and choose five things that can be done within an hour’s time. Do those five things! Even if you get NOTHING ELSE done that day, you will have still made a difference.

Being a mom yourself, how has this helped you service your mompreneurs clients better?  

It has helped them to feel less like they failed because they ended up choosing five things that they soon saw were common threads running between what was frustrating them.

In what ways, do you use social media to market Professionally Sassy? What have you found that works and doesn’t work for your brand?  

I actively maintain my Facebook and Instagram pages, posting daily, if not more. Right now, I’m focusing more on the products, i.e. my books, that are a part of my business and connecting with more readers. One thing that hasn’t worked a lot for me is groups–I am in some great ones now, but at times, I find that I spend a lot of time reworking and resetting the types of groups I’m in to maximize. 

What inspired you to add clothing to your Professionally Sassy brand?

 I say a lot of crazy stuff and someone once challenged me to start putting my sayings on shirts, so I did.

Tammie Polk

What is your process behind the slogan creation for shirts? 

The quotes on my shirts either come from my books or something crazy that came to mind.

Your goal workbook, New Years Starts on Your Birthday, love the concept: please share what this entails? 

NYSOYB helps people to understand that they are cutting their year short by seeing January 1st as the New Year when it’s really halfway through the year for some. I want them to plan life and business around THEIR 365/366 day year and that’s not on January 1st for everyone. I see January as halftime for me and I always ask people to look at it this way– if major corporations don’t all run on a January to December calendar year, then why do you? From there, I go into seven key questions to help them lay out their plan for the year.

New Years starts on your birthday


How do you balance the many hats you wear? 

I am BEYOND grateful for my family! My husband and oldest daughter are my God sends. I have also learned how to structure my day to where I’m not always stressed out by starting and ending my day with ME!

Where would you like to see Professionally Sassy in the next 2-3 years? 

 In the next 2-3 years, I want to see Professionally Sassy in a bigger space operating as it does now, which is as a bookstore, event space, and entrepreneurial hub for aspiring authors and business owners.

Related article: Meet a Mompreneur that Rocks, Whitney Bonds

5 Questions for our Mama Bears!

What is your daily self-care routine?

I start and end my day with ME! I have my daily devotional time with journaling and I also like to color, write, play all types of games, and watch police crime dramas. Cookies are my comfort food and I am unashamed of that! I like to go for walks and drives just to clear my head. I do pamper myself regularly and break away from the noise of being a girl mom.

Best advice you received when you became a mom…

Always have something going for yourself, even if you’re married because while he may be around, your kids will look to YOU to know what will come next.

Favorite thing to do when you have alone time…

Play games, watch TV, and sing!

What would you tell your pre-mom self?

The doctor was wrong… you CAN have kids, so stop thinking it will never happen.

Your proudest motherhood moment…

When my 12-year-old daughter, now 17, sent a client a message saying, “Okay, great! I’m on a client call at the moment, but do let her know I’ll give her a call soon. Have a great day!” while I was on the phone with another client and I got a text on my personal phone from a friend whose aunt needed help with homeschooling. I realized then just how much she watched me!

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