Mompreneurs that Rock: Karen Marias

Mompreneur that Rock

The Mama Bear Spotlight series was created to feature mompreneurs who are not only moms, but also creators, writers, business owners and more.

These women are showing us how they balance motherhood, passion projects, businesses all while staying true to their inner self.

Today we spotlight:

Karen Marias of Mommy in Cape Town

  1. Share with us your inspiration to Start Mommy in Cape Town? 

Mommy In Cape Town was started as a place for me to express myself and share with other people. I love Cape Town , my home town and wanted to share the best it has to offer.

  1. What was your biggest challenge getting into blogging?

My biggest challenge has been differentiating myself from other “Mommy Bloggers (mompreneurs that rock)”. Finding my niche and sticking to content that I feel is authentic.

Social Media can become all consuming. I have found it a big challenge to not let it consume all my time and to also remember to unplug and enjoy the moment.

  1. How do you differentiate yourself from other bloggers, mompreneurs that rock? 

Mommy In Cape Town , even though it has the word “Mommy” in the title has evolved away from a typical parenting blog. I’m more focused on me (Karen), a whole person with many interests and thoughts,  instead of “Which Sippy Cup is the best”. 

I don’t feature my daughters face, as she has gotten older I have not featured her face in my photos. This is to protect her identity but I also believe in consent. She is too young to give consent for me to publish the photos, so I don’t ( It’s a personal parenting decision I have made, this is not to bash other Parenting bloggers who do feature their children).

I don’t just share the perfectly styled images; I share the not so perfect moments.  

Only products I have tried and tested and believe in are featured on my blog. I don’t recommend products unless I have used them myself.

I don’t want Mommy In Cape Town to be a page pushing products. I want to connect with others.

  1. In what ways has your mompreneur life changed for you since COVID? 

I was supposed to start working in March 2020 but the job fell through , due to South Africa going into lockdown. Life was a bit hectic in the beginning with my daughter being home and my unsuccessful attempts at home schooling (Teachers are Saints and they deserve to be paid way more).

Lockdown has made me really appreciate my health and family. My family lives on the other side of South Africa, so I couldn’t see them for an incredibly long time. I am really worried about my older family members. Covid has actually made us all communicate more often and keep in touch.

Covid has made me think twice about just “popping” to the shops for food. My husband’s company has decided that all staff should work from home for the foreseeable future. Which is actually lovely. My daughter and husband spend a lot more time together. It has been wonderful watching them form a relationship.

Related article: A Look Into the World of Mompreneur Christina Brown, LoveBrownSugar

  1. Who is your dream brand to work with and why? 

There are so many brands that I would like to work with for different reasons. I like to work with smaller brands and support small businesses, as well as other mompreneurs.

Clothing wise I would love to work with

I love their clothes. They are made for women and their clothes are top quality.

I’m also a fan of Rufftung

Jewellery I would say Kirsten Goss and Jade

I would love to collaborate with kids clothing companies such as – The Phoenix and the Llama and DandyLion kids.

Instant Pot and Le Creuset  are also dream brand collaborations. I love to cook.

I’m passionate about wine and currently studying my WSET level 3. So I would love to work with wine brands such as Tokara, la Motte, Kleine Constantia. Gosh I could go on forever….

  1. Do you believe bloggers can make a full-time salary from blogging? If so, in what ways? 

It is difficult but you can, if you really put the effort in. It may take a while to build a brand recognition. There are Content Creators who have been at this for years (10 years) and only now making bank. The Blogging/ Content Creation industry is still young in its infancy in South Africa.

At the moment my blog makes some money but it definitely doesn’t pay the bills.

Related article: How to Make Money from your Blog by Writing Amazing Content

Describe a day in life for Karen the mom and wife outside of Karen the mompreneur? 

I wake up at 6ish, make coffee and pack my daughters school lunch.

Get em ready for the day and I get dressed.

Around 8am I walk my daughter to school.

I answer emails and respond to comments on my social media pages.

I will then do some stretches or get a workout in. We have recently converted our garage into a home gym. Or I will write a blog post or do chores. It really depends on what is most important for the day.

I will fetch my daughter from school and then we have lunch.

We usually swim, go to the beach or walk the dog. Afternoons are Emily and my time to chill and have fun – make something or bake.

Then it’s dinner, bath and bedtime for Emily.

We try to eat as a family in the evenings.

I have a schedule/ routine but I’m not too rigid with it. I like to tick off the important items for the day and then just have some chill time. Emily responds well to routine so her bedtime is roughly at the same time every night give or take a few minutes.

  1. If you could speak to 10,000 of your ideal audience and other mompreneurs what would you say? 

It’s okay. It’s okay to not always function at 100%. We need to give ourselves some grace. So often we find ourselves tearing ourselves apart over “the small things” and forget about the things that really matter. Do you really have to respond to the message now, when your child wants to build a fort?

  1. Name three books on your reading list this year? 

1.     Aftershocks, by Nadia Owusu

2.     Under a White Sky: The Nature of the Future, by Elizabeth Kolbert

3.     Fake Accounts, by Lauren Oyler

Related article: 10 Self-Care tips while Quarantined

  1. Have you accomplished any of your 2021 goals, if so what are they? 

 I don’t have goals I have wishes for the year. After 2020 I have really just wanted to seize the moment and enjoy this year.

  1. Tell us the marketing strategy do you find contributes to being a Mompreneur that Rock and your blogging success? 

I don’t have a strategy. I think being authentic and being me. I’m always myself, I’m not trying to impress anyone. I think I bring up real issues that others are battling with, so I hope I connect with people.

Related article: Marketing to Increase Traffic to Your Blog

  1. Pinterest or Instagram? 

I’m obsessed with Pinterest! I love it from an inspirational point. However I find Instagram gets Mompreneurs and other people to connect more with the person behind the screen.

  1. How do you empower other mompreneurs that rock?

I love seeing other women succeed! I will always cheer them on. I try to buy directly from small local business owners. I’m not into mean girl nonsense and talking about people.

  1. Two years from now where do you see Mommy in Cape Town? 

Offer resources for others to pursue their dreams. Discounted courses etc.

5 Questions for our Mama Bears that Rock! 

What is your daily self-care routine?

I take good care of my skin. I use natural skincare products morning and night (no excuses).

Best advice you received when you became a mom…

Trust your gut. You know what best for your child.

Favorite thing to do when you have alone time?

Pour a glass of wine, put music on and dance.

What would you tell your pre-mom self?

Trust your gut. Your child doesn’t need all this stuff.

Your proudest motherhood moment… 

Everyday Emily surprises me with her quirky behaviour.

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

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