Mompreneurs that Rock: Nadia Francois

The Mama Bear Spotlight series was created to feature mompreneurs who are not only moms, but also creators, writers, business owners and more.

These women are showing us how they balance motherhood, passion projects, businesses all while staying true to their inner self.

Today we spotlight:

International Bestselling Author, Nadia Francois

Welcome to our Mama Bear Spotlight! 

Did you always know you wanted to be a mompreneur? 

Actually, I did not.  I started off as a nursing major in college but started my first business at the age of 19.

Was being a hairstylist your first business? If not, what was your first business? 

I know it sounds crazy, but I never thought of hairstyling as my first business but I should have. I began doing hair in my mother’s kitchen at the age of 15, actually maintaining a clientele, accepting checks and all.  I’ve always thought of hair as second nature, my passion, never as a job.  I now definitely consider it a business and a very thriving business that can change the life of a stylist as she changes the lives of others.

What inspired you to crossover and create a non-profit, Sisters of Empowerment in Baton Rouge?  

I decided to create a nonprofit organization in Baton Rouge at a time where there was alot of clubs forming that promoted socializing for adults, but not necessarily giving back to the community and specifically giving back to the women and children.  

Tell us about Sisters of Empowerment and who does it service? 

SOE was organized in my beauty shop in 2013 and consisted of myself, some of my eastern star sistars and some of my high school classmates who still make up the membership today.  We just saw a need for mothers to be able to socialize or network and include their children.  We also saw the need to build up the self esteem and confidence in our youth so we created events and programs to help in those areas.  We now focus on empowerment and  mentoring for women and youth entrepreneurs and our youth scholarship program for high school seniors.

Being a serial mompreneur, author, mother, Executive Director, you are super busy – how do you find time to handle mom life? 

Mom is my number one assignment and my other roles allow me to be a more effective mom in my opinion.  I have simply mastered the art of prioritizing.  I drop everything for my kids.  They are the reason I am a mompreneur, the ability to be free to move how I need to move for them!! I have been raising my sons alone for the past 14 years, so it is now second nature but it was not an easy behavior to master or maintain. 

Out of the many hats you wear, is there a favorite? 

Doing hair is my favorite.

In addition, to all that we discussed thus far, you also help people start and grow their business; how is it like working with multiple personalities?  

Yessss!! Actually it is very enlightening as to the different reasons that people open businesses and the levels of knowledge that they have as it pertains to their business.  Most entrepreneurs have similar traits so the personality differences are not an issue in most cases.  By the time they make the decision to hire me they are ready to grow their business so all pride is to the side!!

How has your business been affected by COV19, if at all? 

All of my businesses were affected by covid in one way or another but not all in a negative way.  My beauty business was definitely put on hold due to the person to person contact so I had to get creative and start offering alternatives like my product Hair Do in a Box, that allowed women to order trial sizes of my haircare line bundled with a clip on ponytail of their choice for an easy fix to a bad hair day.  So I pretty much made lemonade with the lemons,,,, Its how I’m built.

Your latest book What’s Your Super Power Anthology, can you share what this is about and the inspiration behind writing it? 

This book is a compilation of myself and 10 amazing female authors telling our stories of overcoming adversity and pushing through to purpose utilizing our God given super powers.

In 2021, what do you find are the best methods to market yourself as an author? 

Social Media of course but also interviews on different platforms, speaking engagements, and book discussions.

Being a woman of color and a business woman do you ever find certain doors are closed or are treated differently? 

Absolutely!! I’ve been overlooked several times for a man in business but God had bigger and better opportunities waiting for me right after.  Those experiences contribute to my drive and determination to push through and prove the naysayers wrong.

You have four sons, my goodness, my pre-teen is driving me nuts; what’s life like for you with four of them {chuckles}?

Giirrlllll, at this point, I just nod and wave lol.  Just kidding.  It’s alot but they are mine.  I just keep hearing “it will all be worth it when they grow up” so I keep pushing and keep praying because they are older now and face so much more than the obstacles as young children so the saying is true, “when they are young they are on your nerves and when they are older they are on your heart.”

Are you embarking entrepreneurship on them?

Being that they are teenagers I try not to push my feelings toward entrepreneurship on them.  They grew up watching me, helping me and eating off entrepreneurship so if it’s meant for them they are definitely well equipped.

How do you empower other women? Encouraging words, being an example and offering help.In your WYSP Reflection Journal, what inspired you to create this and for whom? 

After reading the anthology, I felt like a journal would be the perfect follow up.  It would ask the reader questions and provide motivational quotes and scriptures to help them discover their super powers and align with their purpose.

What’s next for Nadia Francois? 

I am currently working on What’s Your Super Power TV Channel and Series now streaming on Exposure TV Network App.

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

5 Questions for our Mama Bears! 

What is your daily self-care routine? 

Prayer and devotion time 

Best advice you received when you became a mom… 

Raise your boys to be God fearing young men 

Favorite thing to do when you have alone time? 


What would you tell your pre-mom self?

Graduate college first

Your proudest motherhood moment… 

Being able to remain whole through all the ups and downs

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