Five Questions to Ask Yourself for the New Year

Welcome to the New Year! I know we are two months-plus into the start of your new book, but I think I can say New Year until the end of this month, right? So many exciting things can happen in a year; you can meet your true love, get married, have a baby, get promoted at work; start a business, and the list can go on and on. The difference between having a great year and an OK year is you. You have to decide if you are going to make a change. Will you carry the same bullsh*t into this year or create, be hopeful, and motivated?Questions to ask yourself

We are in stressful times with a lot of events happening around us. Everyone is busy, busy, busy and we forget to stop and smell the roses. Hey, I’m a New Yorker so I’m guilty as charged. But we have to remember life will not stop for us. By the time you look up it can be gone and you will see how much you’ve missed out on. This year let’s set a path for ourselves with a specific direction and stick to it. Hopefully these questions will give you a start toward your direction for the year.

Are you happy with your life? Seriously, are you happy with the way things are going? If yes, kudos to you, if no, the time has come to make a change. Think about how you can make your life better and become a better person. What makes you happy? How can you incorporate this daily? Becoming happy starts with making changes, usually the more uncomfortable ones.

How many hours do you spend per day lurking at other people’s social media pages and wishing your life was as sweet?  This is a truth moment . . . really think about how many times you spend Instagram stalking or Facebook liking. Your mind wanders with thoughts of how your life could be if you were able to travel as much as her, live the life of celebrities with endless resources and money, eat better and work out if you didn’t have a 9–5. Seriously, don’t underestimate how much time you spend watching—you would be surprised. That time is over! Now is the time for you to join the party and take some action. Travel. Fall in love. Go to the movies at midnight on a Thursday. How much of your life are you going to let pass you by before you realize enough time has been wasted? I dare you to get off social media and join the real-world fun.

How often do you create or dream about creating something for yourself? Something you can leave behind as your legacy? I personally think about this a little too much, so much at times that it makes my brain hurt. I’m so afraid of running out of time before I’m able to finish what I want to accomplish to leave a lasting legacy. While you shouldn’t overthink this, it should be on your radar. Life is short. Life is precious. You want to leave behind something for your loved ones. Creating isn’t all about starting a business either. You can start simple with learning to build furniture, cook, paint, write a children’s book—the world is your playground, so go out and explore it. Once you’ve found your passion, then contact us about turning your passion into profit. ☺

How can you create your dreams? How can you build a bigger platform for yourself? Think long and hard on this one and grab a pen. Aiming to build something for you takes some planning, hard work, and dedication. Write down how you can start/improve your creation. Then how you can share it with the world. What social media channels will you use—marketing strategies, network events to attend?

What will you not carry over from 2014 into this year? I will not carry over my fear of running out of time, needing to make everything perfect, the inability to trust others in their roles, and not being able to accept the now! How can we break you out of your patterns and bad practices?


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