14 Precious SEO Tips I Wish I knew When Starting My Business

SEO tips to know when starting a business

If you are an entrepreneur then you have surely looked into ways to improve your search engine optimization, or SEO for short. SEO is “the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine.” Having written and published over two hundred blog posts, I have learned several tricks to improve your SEO rank through blogging. I have learned that implementing simple techniques will not only improve your business’s SEO, but also make your blogging easier, more streamlined, and drive quality leads to your website.

In a recent post, 4 Things You Most Likely Didn’t Know About Google’s Algorithm, we share an overview of what search engines look for when ranking your website. Once you understand how an SEO algorithm works, you can implement simple techniques, like the fourteen below, to enhance your website’s visibility.

SEO tips to know when starting a business:

  1. Keep updating your website so it stays relevant
  2. Use links in your article that lead to recognized websites
  3. Use keywords throughout the text of your article, including your meta-text
  4. Update your articles’ URLs to reflect your keywords
  5. Don’t try to rank for general keywords; use specific long-tail keywords related to your business or services
  6. Name all pictures used with your keywords, including the ALT text of the picture
  7. Share and re-share your articles on social media to drive traffic to your website
  8. Use subheads (such as H2) that include your keywords in the copy of your article
  9. Hashtag your keywords on social media and tag them on your blog
  10. Guest write, or ask other publications to link back to your website
  11. Keep your word count to at least 300 words per article; people have found that longer blogs will rank best
  12. Use your keywords in the first paragraph of your text
  13. Ensure your blog’s title is impactful, use a headline analyzer to help you
  14. Install an SEO plugin on your website (SEO Wizard and Yoast are my favorites)

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