Start Making Smart Money Decisions!

Managing personal expenses is extremely important to the future you. It is so easy to get lost in credit card debt when you are just starting out in the professional world. The key is to make smart money decisions without having to sacrifice your lifestyle. Here are some easy money mistakes and how to fix them.SmartMoney

Laundry service. Not having a washer and dryer in your apartment or building can be a challenge. It takes much longer to carry your laundry to a Laundromat, wait while it’s washing and drying, and then bring it back home than it does to drop your clothes off at a cleaner. However, dropping your clothes off can be north of $75 per pound. By organizing your time you can easily save $12 each time you go to the Laundromat. Take advantage of that time waiting for your laundry to catch up on some reading or writing.

ATM Fees. This is an easy savings! Talk to your bank and see if they can reimburse you for using other ATMs. If not, only take out cash at your home bank. This can lead to $4 saved per transaction!

Mani & Pedis. These add up fast. By doing it yourself you will no doubt save $30 a month.

Ordering takeout. With apps like Seamless and you are just minutes away from food. But by cooking at home you can save $12 per meal and be saving in calories, too. Also by cooking at home you can use leftovers for lunch. Check out our Meal Savings Map!

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