Style on a Budget: Whitney Is Your One-Stop Shop

Who doesn’t love to look and feel great and save some cash? Whitney has always had a passion for both and began showcasing her personal style as a thrift-store maven on her lifestyle blog, Whitney Nic James (WNJ).

WNJ is packed with tips, giveaways, where to find deals, and more. It’s basically your “how to thrift shop” blog. Virgo Girl Media sat down with Whitney to learn more about her affordable thrifty-fashion mission.Whitney 'Nic' James

What inspired you to start blogging?

I’m a writer at heart, so writing comes naturally. Creating the blog came about five and a half years ago, thanks to my husband. He suggested I start publishing my outfits and thrift finds online. I was reluctant at first; words AND pictures seemed like a lot. Ha ha! But I’m glad I went for it because the blog has opened so many doors. I’m very thankful.

Have you always been into fashion?

I’ve always LOVED clothes, especially thrift items, but I’ve been more into personal style than actual fashion trends since a young age.

Living in the Washington DC (DMV) area, do you find it harder to 1) express yourself and 2) stay current with the latest trends?

I find living in the DMV it’s easy to express myself. There are so many styles in this area, so it’s easy to dress myself, stay true to my personal style, and be inspired by others and their style. Staying current with the trends is easy too. I like to pick which trends I want to try and I make them work, for me and my lifestyle.

What do you think contributed to the success of your blog?

Networking and stepping outside my comfort zone. Doing both has allowed me to curate lasting relationships with other bloggers, creatives, and companies.

What advice would you give on growing an organic audience to a start-up blogger?

In order to grow, think of your blog as a brand and find your purpose in what you’re doing/sharing. Be mindful to represent your brand whenever you post on social media, and don’t be afraid to not follow the crowd. Also, focus more on networking and collaborating with other creatives than on your numbers and stats. The numbers will come, the stats will grow—focus on putting in the work first.

Describe your style.

Practical, unique, and chic. That goes for my style in clothing as well as my overall personality.

Last year you did a Thrift w/ Nic Tour (#twntour) sponsored by Kia, can we expect a sequel this year?

Yes! I plan to announce my next Thrift With Nic event very soon. It’ll take place in the fall. Very excited about what’s to come!

What’s next for Whitney Nic James the blogger and the woman ?

As a blogger, I plan to continue growing and building my net worth through writing, speaking, and teaching. As a woman, I will continue to strive to live a purpose-driven life, and inspire others around me every step of the way.

VGM Top Five Questions

What would you tell your twenty-year-old self?

Be fearless, go after what you want, and make your requests known to God. Speak life into your dreams and goals, then do the work and watch them manifest.

I start my day with . . .

Prayer. My faith is my constant. Without it, I can’t function.

If you could invite any woman to dinner who would it be and why?

Myleik Teele of CurlBOX, the singer Brandy, and Beverly Bond of Black Girls Rock . Aside from my mother and grandmother, these ladies are a constant inspiration for me in business and life in general. In some way, they’ve all reinvented themselves and live their lives full of purpose and passion. That’s admirable. They exude what it means to be a #FearlessWoman and to meet them would be a dream!

Best advice you have received?

Dare to be different. My dad drilled that mind-set into me during high school. To this day, I dare to be different and purposeful in all that I do.

Life motto you live by?

Live life on purpose, with purpose, and be fearless.

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