Surviving a Panic Attack at Work

You’re at work and it happens. Your palms get sweaty, your chest begins to throb, your throat starts to close, and your head fills with pressure. There you are with yet another f—ing panic attack right in the middle of the workday. Of course, this happens while you’re actually being productive. You want to go lie down but you can’t. You’re at work to get that cash, using your job as a way to invest in your business.

Being a creative entrepreneur, mom, friend, daughter, client, boss, etc., the act of trying to achieve a work/business/private life balance is in constant overdrive. Even when I’m alone I’m not alone, because my worries and to-do lists consume my thoughts. Going from zero to a hundred in seconds, they never leave me be. Naturally, then, panic attacks would become a burden for me, because they are triggered by high volumes of stress. And I just don’t have time for that!

For six years I have been dealing with these annoying panic attacks. I used to get them so bad that my doctor wanted to put me on medication to help calm my nerves, but I refused. I don’t want anything that alters my personality and brain chemistry. The New York train system used to be the biggest trigger, as I was fearful I would have an attack underground, hold up the train, and get yelled at by angry New Yorkers for delaying the train. I made a decision that I would not let these attacks control my life. (Even as I write this post I feel the pressure of an attack approaching, but I’ve learned how to work through them.)

Here are some ways that can help you survive a panic attack at work.


I know you hear this all the time, no matter what the situation is. However, with a panic attack, it really does work. Close your eyes, count to ten, and breathe softly in and out. This will slowly calm not only your mind but your heartbeat as well.

Walk Away

Just say “screw it” for that moment. Walk away, take a moment to regroup, and come back when you are less agitated. Dealing with situations that we don’t particularly want to handle at the moment or that are causing us problems can cause us to suppress a lot of emotions, including aggravation, annoyance, and stress, which can easily trigger a panic attack without any warning signs.

Listen to Music

For me, sometimes listening to tunes during a panic attack can annoy the s—t out of me. However, if you find the right tunes this can be very calming and send sensual vibes into your body and relax you.

Bathroom break

Remember it’s all about putting you first. Go to the bathroom, close your eyes, and count backward from one hundred until you feel the panic attack subsiding. I remember being on a freelance assignment and sitting right next to my manager, which increased my anxiety because he was always clocking my time or cell phone usage. This would trigger my panic attacks, and going to the bathroom would even feel stressful because I knew I was being monitored. However, I got to the point where I realized that if you are not in top-notch shape you cannot perform, so I have to think of myself first and deal with the rest of the world (consequences) later.

Stress balls

Stress balls are a great way to release tension that is accompanied by a panic attack. If you’re not only feeling overwhelmed with anxiety but stressed over a particular situation or problem, get a stress ball. This can help you focus and concentrate while decreasing your tension and stress levels.


You know that friend who always has the gossip or whenever you talk to her/him you just end up cracking up? Put their number on speed dial and call them whenever you’re experiencing an attack. Let them know they calm your nerves and you need them to be available when you call to distract you. Trick your brain with a good conversation that will dispel the stressful thoughts with positive ones. You will be so caught up in the laughs that you’ll forget you were just panicking!

Drink Caffeine-Free Tea

Take a tea break! In the midst of a panic attack, never drink coffee or any caffeinated drink or eat anything with caffeine in it, especially chocolate. This will just heighten the attack. Go grab a nice cup of hot tea and enjoy the soothing scent and taste. My favorite 3:00 pm tea is Stash’s Lemon Ginger. It not only calms me but the lemon ginger and honey are also good for preventing colds.

Drink a Vegetable Smoothie or Drink

After a panic attack, your body will be exhausted and you will feel mentally drained, but you must continue with your day. Drinking a vegetable smoothie is a great way to feel rejuvenated and energized within a few minutes of an attack. I really am not a fan of anything green, but I have a newfound love for V8 Healthy Greens juice. The taste is pleasant and it gives me an instant energy boost.

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