The Best Fitness Vloggers on the Internet to Get Your Up and Moving!

how to get up and moving

Working out is not for everyone. Many say it is a great form of therapy and though I cannot disagree with this as it does release positive endorphins, getting to the gym is the real challenge. When we sit all day at work, it’s important to get up and move around to improve blood flow, posture, and help with back pain.

Finding the time, paying a reasonably priced membership, and then figuring out the best workout to keep you motivated can lead to more stress than it’s worth. In the colder months, the idea of leaving your home for anything other than work, shopping, or fun activities is quite undesirable so again, the gym may be out of the question. But what if I told you the best workouts can be found at the click of a button?

I have searched far and wide on the Internet and have found four of the most amazing fitness vloggers with proven results, requiring limited time and effort. Let’s get started.

Blogilates with Cassey Ho

I discovered this when I wanted to tone up certain parts of my body but didn’t have crazy amounts of time. Enter Cassey Ho, with over four million YouTube subscribers, amassing over 574 million views since June 2009. The Bella twins, Nikki and Brie, even filmed an 8 Minute At-Home Ab Workout with Cassey. My favorites are 3 Min Lower Abs and 6 Min to Sexy Thighs; trust me, you really feel it and once you get into a groove, you can put on your own playlist and just zone.

Walk with Leslie Sansone 

Leslie Sansone is one of my favorites because she has fifteen-minute walking workouts that you can literally do in your living room or bedroom. What I love about Leslie is she takes walking, which is my favorite workout, and takes you mile by mile. You can do one mile, two miles, three; really, there is no limit but she’s encouraging and kind. My mother started out with her DVDs but when our player broke, I found her on YouTube and put it on my laptop or iPad whenever I need a jolt. If my sixty-plus mom can do it, so can you!


Lumowell has over 622,000 subscribers on their YouTube channel and what I love is that you can burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time. One workout that is amazing is the 7 Minute Workout catering to your entire body, burning fat while toning and losing weight. Anything that goes by quickly, I can support, and it erases the excuse of “I didn’t have time today.” You had seven minutes somewhere. And Lumowell has a new video every day so you’ll never get bored!

Lucy Wyndham-Read  

Finally, we have Lucy Wyndham-Read with over 400,000 subscribers, amassing over 42 million views since joining in May 2012. Her 7 minute/7 day challenge swears you will lose between one to two inches but she also has four-minute arm workouts as well as indoor walking workouts like Leslie Sansone. These are so great for those of us who just like to put on a playlist and walk; at least get our adrenaline pumping. Her bevy of videos helps set goals and like anything you do, if you stick to what you want, you most definitely will see the results you’ve longed for.

Check them out and let us know what you think!

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