The Color Run Brooklyn

Known as The Happiest 5K on Earth, the 2014 Color Run tour was recently held at the Aviator Sports & IMG_3704Events Center in Brooklyn.  Although the weather started out unpleasant it didn’t intimidate the hundreds of runners decked out in official Color Run T-shirts and wristbands. Some had their running gear on while others (like my group) got creative and wore tutus, wigs, wings, and even costumes. Only in New York can you see hundreds of people wearing all white lined up on Flatbush Avenue piling into school buses!

The large lot was transformed into a 3.5-mile track with color stations every kilometer. When you approached the color stations staffers would spray you with colored powder. Always keep your mouth closed when going through the stations because you WILL end up with colored teeth. Since the powder is dyed cornstarch it’s unlikely you’ll get sick from ingesting it.

When you cross the finish line covered in layers of pink, blue, and yellow powder, there’s even more to do at the main race area. You can buy food and beer; watch the free concert; run through the green color station and win more Color Run gear! The 2015 schedule will be out soon so I suggest you recruit your friends and get your run/walk/skip on!

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