The Entrepreneur Within You Reviewed by: Missy B. Salick

Unleash The Entrepreneur in You! Julie M. Holloway lives by this motto. Julie, a fifteen-year veteran of a 9–5er, sat at work day after day feeling unsatisfied. Like most 9–5ers, we are9781624073953-Perfect-LULU-850-300x222 comfortable with the idea of getting paid weekly or biweekly. Afraid to take the risk of quitting. However, what happens when the economy makes the decision for you? In Julie’s case, she became unemployed because of layoffs. She had always thought about her creative side and visualized having an art and design studio.

So, taking a leap of faith, she purchased a $50 piece of software from Craigslist and learned graphic design. However, Julie had a family. Reality quickly sank in: bills, insurance, “what am I doing” thoughts. So she went back to work for three years to ensure her family’s comfort and stability. She was once again stuck in a place where she was undervalued and underappreciated. So, this time she planned her quit day and never looked back. Julie created her design firm and joined forces with other entrepreneurs to share a wealth of knowledge on how to step out.

The Entrepreneur Within You (T.E.W.) is a remarkable book for any freelancer or entrepreneur. You receive encouraging and inspirational advice from successful entrepreneurs, who have more than likely been in the same place you are now. There is a story for everyone. The person afraid to walk away from their job; the entrepreneur with a million ideas; how to continue pushing through; the struggles of raising a family and building and growing a business at the same time; procrastination, and more. T.E.W. takes the fears out of entrepreneurship. After reading this book you will feel you can conquer any struggle that may come your way. Include this book on your journey!

I have also had the pleasure of working with Julie and she is such a delight. She continues to motivate and inspire through her work and relationships. Check out her design studio at

Dreams. Passion. Creative. Motivation.

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