The Movement of Jessica Smith

51DlJ-DQ5nL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_We appreciate women who know their power within and use it to affect the world in a positive way. Jessica Smith stands firm in her beliefs, demands to be heard, and speaks up for the unheard. She shared with us her new project, which literally motivates people from communities that are overlooked or portrayed negatively in the media. Jessica describes her book Anthology for Hope in the Hood by saying it “inspires those who look for hope amid seemingly hopeless circumstances. It began as a BOOK, now a MOVEMENT.” We’re all for a movement! It’s one thing to read a book and enjoy it but it’s another thing when you personally subscribe to its powerful values and meaning, and make the decision to influence others’ lives with the book’s messages. Jessica Smith is the real MVP and we’re so excited to share what she’s been working on with you guys. She’s one to keep your eyes on, because writers like her give young people the inspiration to become the next doctor, teacher, artist, and even president!

What type of books do you write? Why did you decide on this genre?

This is my first book, an inspirational series with Christian-themed poetry titled Anthology for Hope in the Hood. With future books, I plan to dabble in a coming-of-age story, science fiction and street literature.

Which character are you most like in your recent book?

Well, it is a poetry book. I feel that I’ve been able to relate to each poem at some point in my life. The poem “From the Hood Came Ain’t” really reflects some of the self-doubt, rejection, and fear I had to go through in life and in completing the task of writing a book.

If you were an advocate for a specific cause what would it be and why?

I would say helping the homeless, then self-worth and combating domestic violence. Not feeling a sense of belonging I think resonates with each of these groups.

Who are the most important people in your life and why?

I would have to say my mother because she birthed me in so many ways outside of the physical. I would also say my grandparents on both sides. My maternal grandmother is also a published author and pursued a business venture late in life. I think it is courageous and admirable. I think both of my aunts, my mother’s sister and sister-in-law, exhibit that same courage in their business ventures and in everyday life with their strength of character. I definitely admire the men in my family, especially my grandfather, who passed several years ago, but he always knew how to bring a sense of manhood, joy, and respect. I definitely would consider my newly married brother a key person in my life.  All my family shows such love and support in a way that I am happy to have them in my life; every experience with my family has shaped my life as it is today. I have a number of people I genuinely cherish in my life and who have had an impact on me to encourage me to keep going.

Do you have any books coming out soon or any future projects that you would like to share with us?

I got the inspiration to do a street lit poetry series, so it is still going to be inspirational but in a more colorful way. I also will have a novel and a mixtape featuring artists I decided to collaborate with for the street lit series. The featured artist on the mixtape is King Chi Diallo, a conscious rapper out of Toledo, Ohio; I am very excited to work with him.

What are your top three places in the world that you would like to visit and why? I have never been to Africa, Italy, or Spain. I have visited London, and I love it. Being from the Midwest, I love Chicago. I used to think New York was too crazy, but a recent networking trip has me wanting to take a few more bites out of the Big Apple.

Think of one of your characters from your books. Now think of an infamous celebrity, past or present. How would your character feel about this not-so-good celebrity and why?

 From my upcoming novel, I have a character who has to come to love and know herself in middle age after a life of various kinds of abuse. I would imagine this character would be starstruck and long for the life of a “star” because of her own dissatisfaction, but that longing would be displayed through envy and disdain rather than any joy for someone with a seemingly better life.

What are your social media handles?

Facebook | Instagram: @hopeinthehood_jessme | YouTube: Jess Marie Poetry

The book is available on Amazon as well in Detroit.  Email me at 


What would you tell your 21-year-old self?

You have a lot to offer, do not look at where you are or what you have. Believe in yourself, trust in God, continue each day in gratitude, and begin to change what you do not like.

I start my day with . . .

A number of things; my brain does a million things at once. If I am not writing, reflecting, meditating, reading, or listening to music, I am usually rushing off to work. I may just start to enjoy a little sunshine each day and thank God for his grace.

If you could invite any woman to dinner, who would it be?

Cicely Tyson or Lauryn Hill.  I would love to meet Lauryn Hill.

Best advice you have received?  

In first grade, I remember the teaching assistant saying there was no such thing as a stupid question. I also remember a fourth-grade teacher saying to marry my best friend. I gave myself a bit of advice a couple of years ago: stop living off potential, move into accomplishment.

Life motto you live by?

Dream, do not give up, you have a purpose, keep telling yourself you can do it.


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