The Power of Acceptance

“Humility means accepting reality with no attempt to outsmart it.”

–David Richo

The key to finding the power of acceptance is to practice acceptance.

Acceptance is loving yourself enough to create eternal peace within. The constant urge to fight and want more or to change things rather than be at peace with what’s in front of you.

From as early as I can remember I have been a house hopper. My mother had strong dreams of being a dancer. She picked up her life, moved to the city of dreams, and asked my great-grandmother to watch over me. From that day, I spent my early to late childhood moving from my grandmother’s house to other relatives’ homes, never really staying in a particular place too long. I would never allow myself to unpack all my bags or get comfortable, because I knew it was temporary.

Once I became a young adult and moved out on my own, I still had that “this is temporary” mentality. I never hung a curtain, invested in too much furniture, or even called the place home. Even now in my current three-bedroom rental, from the moment I stepped in, I said this is “temporary.” I made plans to not get too comfortable because I wanted more. I wanted a five-bedroom with a theater room, office space, game room, etc. I was always planning for my future that I never allowed myself to get comfortable in and with my present.



I discovered that I was so busy chasing a future life that I had completely missed my life.

Recently, I decided (with the help of therapy) that I had to change my thinking. I had to come to a place of acceptance. I made the choice to be happy. I wasn’t going to spend my life planning my life. It was time for me to embrace the life I have here and now.

There is nothing wrong with dreaming of and wanting more, but you must be grateful and live in the moment you already have. To practice acceptance of my current situation meant I had to do a lot of internal self-work. I had to learn how to identify my issues and why they were there. Again, therapy is a big (ongoing) help with this.

My first act to practice acceptance was to be grateful for the home I have now and have created for my children. I am blessed to have what I have. I let go of the notion that I am supposed to have a mansion or larger home just because it is attainable. I had a talk with myself that instead of rushing to get away from the beautiful home I created, I would enjoy it and live in it. I decided to make the home even more comfortable by doing renovations, starting with hanging curtains and unpacking all my boxes.



In countless homes since I got my first place, I have never hung a curtain. The other day when I hung the curtain in my bedroom I felt a sense of peace, relief, and gratitude. I stared at the curtains in my home and found myself in a place of acceptance—that no matter what the future holds, I was okay, because in that moment I was at peace with what I had.

Practicing acceptance can keep you steady in the face of the constant changes in the world and prepare you to confront the obstacles that are certain to come your way. This mindset can create a sense of peace and get you to the phase of letting go quicker rather than holding on to unnecessary thoughts for too long. The power of acceptance is an important mindfulness tool to help you create the life you want to live, achieving success, happiness, and your overall purpose.

When you accept yourself, you stress less and smile more. You don’t blame others or the current circumstances. You plan, you execute, and you survive, even thrive.

How do you practice the power of acceptance?



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4 thoughts on “The Power of Acceptance”

  1. This is such a powerful post. I am so happy for you that you were able to find peace through acceptance. Thanks for getting personal and sharing with us.

  2. WoW! I saw so much of myself while reading this. I am unable to stay in moment because I am always striving for more. I didn’t realize how much its effective my life until reading this.

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