The Voices Unheard: Julia Blues

Julia BluesIf you ask any writer, most of them will tell you that they’ve created worlds and multiple characters in their heads. Those characters become real people to writers, so it was no surprise when Julia Blues insisted that her characters speak to her. As crazy as it sounds, Julia is not the only writer inspired by voices. Julia has experienced diverse people since she was young by living on three continents. Her father was in the air force, so her family constantly moved around the world. Her creativity is above average and she continues to write for the sole purpose of helping her readers gain life tools. On her website, she states, “Nothing compares to the joy I feel when creating memorable characters. Nothing compares to taking my imagination to places the imagination dares to go. That’s what bringing life to a blank canvas does for me. It liberates my soul.” Keep reading to learn more about Julia Blues’s inspirations and where she sees her career heading in the next few years.

What’s your main inspiration for your characters?

I am inspired by what my characters give me. I typically do not start a story until I hear a voice. I will continue listening until I hear enough to begin writing. I let them inspire me by their journey.

Like most writers, I assume you have experienced writer’s block. How do you overcome it?

I can’t say I’ve experienced writer’s block. Typically, if I sit down to write, words come out. For me it’s more of a lack of discipline than blockage. When I have experienced any type of block, it was due to me judging the characters. Once I stopped judging, I was able to write.

What do you feel is your overall purpose as a writer?

To tell stories that help better readers’ lives in one way or another.

Who is your core audience?

You know, that’s a question I really don’t have an answer for. People who I expected to gain from my stories may not have, and there were people I didn’t expect to “get it” that actually did. So, I leave this open. Whoever wants to gain life tools through fictional characters would be my core audience, if I had to answer.

If you were an advocate for a specific cause what would it be and why?

A cure for cancer. I know too many people living with it and have had a few family members succumb to it.

Where do you aspire to be in the next five to ten years?

Authoring over a dozen novels. Have a few screenplays hit the big screen. A couple of shows airing on TV. Married with a kid or two or three. Continuing to walk in purpose and fulfilling every dream.

Does popular culture influence any of your work? If so, how? If not, what are your feelings about popular culture?

No, popular culture does not influence my work. I really have no feelings about it. It is what it is.

Do you believe in love at first sight? If so, why? Which character from any of your books is most likely to fall in love the quickest?

I do not believe in love at first sight. Sometimes the vision can be cloudy. Y ou can’t always trust it. Hmm, I think Brandon from The Last Exhale would fall in love the quickest. He was an emotional guy who was very in touch with his feelings.

Do you have any upcoming books or future projects you would like to share with our readers?                  

I am currently working on my third novel, Reviving Hope. I should have more information about it soon. Now that I am in college, my classes and studies seem to take up the bulk of my time. Somewhere in there, I plan to get another script and screenplay written. I have completed the adaptation to my first novel, Parallel Pasts. I’m hoping a studio bites sooner than soon.

What are your social media handles?

Connect with me on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook


What would you tell your 21-year-old self?

I would tell her, “It’s not that serious, yet. There’s so much more to this.”

I start my day with . . .

Thanking God for the day.

If you could invite any woman to dinner, who would it be?

JK. Rowling.

Best advice you have received?

“You have to see it in your mind before you can see it in your life.”

Life motto you live by?

To never sell myself short for a buck.

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