The Creativepreneur in New York City

Something has happened.

In a working society, in a certain world with nothing but white collars and blue collars at one point in time; some type of uniform work that required “following suit,” something has changed!11 The first thing you might say is what world? What society?

Well, New York City particularly.

What change, you might ask?

Separation. Separation from corporate America. Separation from the pack. What has happened, is that people have become innovative, everyday regular people have become free, in a sense, finally.

What people? You may finally question.

The creative spirits; the creative souls. Those with not only an imaginative mind, but also surprisingly, a knack for business. The creativepreneur as we here at The Virgo Girl, like to refer to these types of business owners as.

Yes, the creativepreneur.

What IS a creativepreneur? It’s simple, really; a person who has stepped outside of the box, who has taken the reigns of his or her career, who has DEMANDED freedom, freedom of the mind, and who has found within, creative will.

66Everywhere you turn you find them. See them. People, free people. Branding themselves, branding their ideas, their businesses, their creations. Their innovative spirits and souls. What a delight it is indeed to tuirn the corner on some renowned avenue, in Manhattan or Brooklyn and find these enlightened, innovative, proactive beings! Clothing designers, boutique owners, poets, independent authors, self-published writers, indie filmmakers, musical artists, the list goes on…

The ways they design and brand their businesses vary, but the end goal is always the same. One quest, one achievement is truly at heart:

Creative freedom. The ability to make a living by using the imagination, the inner artist. To design something original, to create from the soul and share that creation, that story with the world. Share with the rest of us, one’s vision, one’s ideas.

So what does it take to become a creativepreneur? The first and most important component will always be one thing and one thing only: creative will. The desire to create, to inspire, and to share something original, something designed through one singular vision.

When I walk the busy streets of Manhattan, Brooklyn, or even Queens, New York, my hand filled with glossy 5×7 business cards for everything imaginable, with another “creator” most definitely around the next corner, I smile to myself. I think to myself; “things have most definitely changed.”

All it takes is a little inspiration, a desire for creative freedom, a pinch of good luck, a dash of moral support; and you too can have the recipe to freedom of the mind, and essentially the spiritual and emotional soul. So get busy…”stop dreaming and start creating!” as Missy B. Salick would say!



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