Three Key Tricks to Earning a Raise

Getting a raise at work is hard! It could be overwhelming and scary. The key is going in with a clear mind, notes, and confidence. Here are a few negotiating tips to try:

Decide what you are going to ask foconvene_raiser. Typically you should be up for a salary review each year. Wait until then to talk money. Have an idea of what you are aiming to earn, and don’t get carried away. You have to think realistically about an appropriate increase based on your current income. One idea is whatever they offer you, ask for a few thousand dollars more.

Prepare ahead of time. Make a pros and cons list of what you like and don’t like about your job, and choose the top three to discuss. You don’t want to overwhelm yourself or your boss and you want to make sure you stick to key points in your meeting. Bring in your written notes and format them for easy reading and expand on them verbally.

Be a good worker. Prove your worth! Take notes from the last meeting and build on them. Show your boss that you are working to improve your performance and position at the company. If you are an exceptional employee your company will be more likely to implement your requests.



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