Three Tips for Dating as a Black Millennial Woman

Black millennial women want a man who has good conversations, the same interests, understand their worth, respect that we are a #girlboss, but also have needs at the end of the day and just want the simplicity of a relationship sometimes. No complicated emotions and unnecessary drama. More and more women are enjoying individuals who can provide comfort and a chill vibe. But, dating is hard enough without throwing social media and all the new dating apps that launch daily into the mix. I mean who has time to even date anymore? We’re running businesses, Fortune 500 companies, we’re mothers, have friends and families; millennial women don’t have time to waste on yet another bad date.

So, how do successful, go-getter, “I have my own” women, date in the new age world today.

Portrait Of Loving African American Couple In Countryside

The Virgo Girl blog is giving you three tips for dating as a millennial woman.

Invest in your future.

The same way you would invest in your business, invest in your dating life. Chances are you won’t find the love of your life on Tinder, but possibly on eHarmony, Match, or the other highly successful dating sites, but you do have to pay to join. I’m also hearing great reviews for Soul Swipe. It’s “supposed” to be the black Tinder, offering more black and brown options. Get out there and do the things you would want your partner to do. If you like museums, art, traveling, going to concerts then get out there and make it all happen. You will be surprised who you meet when you’re out there having fun and doing what you love on your own first.

Stay engaged.

#StayEngaged. I know this will be a hard thing to do as a millennial; after all, our attention span is that of a five-year-old. But it is important while dating to be attentive, engage in the conversation, and provide information about you, personal information. Too many of my friends say their date was annoyed by the lack of sharing on their part and more women are taking the “man” approach of being guarded and shut off. Don’t make your new dates pay for old relationships. Start fresh. Put down the cell phone, save #selfies for bathroom breaks, and set a goal for learning three things about him and offering him three need-to-knows about you.

Pour it up.

As Rihanna would say, Pour it up, pour it up. As a millennial woman in the dating scene be prepared to potentially be the breadwinner in the relationship. I’m not saying lower your standards and expect nothing from him financially. He should have the basics: a job, goals, a car, etc., and be willing to be the provider once it gets to that point, but black women are the fastest-growing group of entrepreneurs in America as noted by Fortune. So ladies, our bank account may be a little bigger than that of our significant other, but if a guy can hold his own then don’t miss out on a great man. If he has goals then you can reach #PowerCouple status in no time.


Photo Credit: Fortune 

Check out these women who have supportive and wealthy partners who don’t have the same amount but can hold their own in the relationship: Nicki Minaj and Meek Mill, Jennifer Lopez and Casper, and Oprah Winfrey and Stedman, and while they are divorced now, while together Nick Cannon held his own with Mariah Carey.

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