5 Quick Tips for Starting a Blog

tips for starting a blog in the african american community

Starting a blog may be easier than you think. Yes, it can be overwhelming, but if you take it slow you will be impressed with how fast you can grow your blog.

When we started Virgo Girl Media we had no experience in blogging. Now that a few years have passed, and with over 100 articles published, we’ve learned a few tips to pass along.

1. Decide what you want to blog about and stick to it

Aim to have your blog target a specific subject area and audience. You can then write your content with them in mind.

You can get more content writing tips here!

2. Select a domain name

Your domain name becomes your blog’s identity. It’s important that you select one that will reflect the goals of your blog and is easy to pronounce (and spell!).

GoDaddy is one of the largest web-hosting sites available.

3. Design your website

Sites like WordPress and Squarespace make it simple to create custom websites. You can literally create a new website in minutes with their premade themes and “drag and click” options. In addition, they provide support through live chats and step-by-step instructions for you to follow.

Bonus tip: Select a premium premade theme here.

4. Publish your blog

Now that your domain is registered, your website is designed, and you have created some content, it’s time to make your blog LIVE.

5. Promote your blog on social media

Set aside a minimum of five minutes promoting each post on your social media sites. Tools like LinkedIn and Twitter are extremely powerful for interacting with other bloggers and your target audience.

Check out our article on ways to drive traffic to your blog using social media.

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