To Hire a Virtual Assistant, Yes or No: What to Expect

To Hire a Virtual Assistant, Yes or No: What to Expect

One of the ways to become a successful business owner is by setting effective expectations. Whether you are thinking of hiring a new employee, virtual assistant, or implementing a new program, knowing what to expect is the first step toward success.

Now, a virtual assistant is a crucial addition to your team. But if you are thinking of hiring one, it can be hard to determine what to expect. Thankfully, we are here to help. Read on to learn what to expect from hiring a VA and whether you should or shouldn’t hire one.


What to Expect from Hiring a Virtual Assistant?

More and more companies are hiring virtual assistants to help them manage different tasks, including content writing, website design, and development, social media management, etc. So what can you expect from hiring one?


Consistent Communication

Your VA will always be in communication with you. In fact, this is your right when you hire them. They must give you fast responses and replies when needed. However, for communication to be effective, you must agree on it from the word go. It would be best to inform them how regularly you expect updates and the channels they should use. Determining these early on ensures consistent communication.

Related article: 10 Tips to Hiring your First Virtual Assistant

High-Quality Work on Time

Virtual assistants work by deadlines but still deliver high-quality work. But for this to happen, you also have to do your part. You need to onboard them correctly and give clear instructions; otherwise, you will receive poor quality work or late submissions. Even if you hire a VA from a specialist service, you cannot blame them for offering low-quality work if you didn’t inform them what they need to do.


Save Some Time

A common assumption is that hiring a VA will save you time instantly. Of course, you will save time provided you brief them on each responsibility. However, it is not as much as many people expect.

For instance, if a VA can complete a task in an hour, many people think they will save that 1 hour in return. But that is not the case. Think about how much time you will take to assign jobs, offer instructions and help your assistant start the project. So, you will save 30 minutes on a task that takes one hour.

But, the thirty minutes still count since you will not have saved them without a VA. Also, remember that with time, your virtual assistant will become a pro in completing the given tasks. Therefore, you will save more time daily, weekly, and monthly.


What Not to Expect from Your VA

Instant Responses

Here is where many entrepreneurs hiring VAs go wrong. Your virtual assistant is not an in-house employee. Chances are they work for several clients at a time. Therefore, you cannot expect them to prioritize you alone and start on any task you give them immediately. It is why you need to outline communications in the early stages. That way, you’ll know when to expect responses and the platforms to communicate with them.

Related article: 6 Ways Virtual Assistants can Help Grow your Business

24/7 Availability

Please don’t assume your VA will always be available when you need them. This isn’t realistic, and it’s setting yourself up for failure. A VA only works on the agreed hours and completes other tasks that demand their attention.


Guess Your Needs

Communication is vital when hiring a virtual assistant. You cannot expect them to know your company’s needs if you don’t tell them. At the same time, we should mention that VAs usually perform executive or administrative tasks. So, if you want someone to help you develop a strategy or advice on growing your business, look for a consultant.


Final Thoughts

A virtual assistant offers many benefits. However, you need to get the right one for your company. Now that we are clear on the expectations choose someone with the skills you need and who communicates excellently.

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