The Virgo Girl’s Top Song Picks for Single Ladies

valentines day playlist

Valentine’s Day comes once a year and if you are single, it’s kind of like Halloween and Christmas: a holiday designed for wine and a bottomless box of chocolate. Despite being in a relationship, I have come to realize that we put way too much emphasis on this holiday. It is legitimately a holiday when it is marked on the calendar, just saying. I actually blame retailers who start pushing Valentine’s Day right when the clock strikes midnight on December 26.

I am one of the fortunate ones; my favorite musician’s birthday happens to be on February 14 so regardless of being single or taken, I choose to celebrate Rob Thomas’s birthday as to not put too much emphasis on #loveday. But it is also a great day to honor the love we have for not only ourselves but for our fellow single ladies.

Here are the top 10 female empowerment songs for you to play at a single ladies gathering. Okay, some are empowering and some are just plain ole fun! So, order a pizza, pop some wine (or grab a few bottles of Cherry 7UP—it’s delicious), and pull out a couple of plastic wine glasses and dance the night away while singing at the top of your lungs. Don’t forget the chocolates!

The Virgo Girl’s Girl Power V-Day Playlist for Single Ladies

So there you have it! Dance and sing the night away and celebrate you for once. You know how to love you better than anyone else does. And music is the best therapy ever! Happy #loveday!

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