Turning 38-Years-Old & 38 Things I’ve Let Go Along the Way

I turned 38.


Most people would be freaking out because it’s only two years away from forty. But I’m surprisingly fine. I feel lucky to have made it this far.

I feel that I can still carry a child, have the energy to chase my toddler, deal with my two pre-teens and build a media empire from scratch.

Back when I was twenty-one, if you would have asked me how I felt turning thirty-eight, I would have felt like that was sooooo old, like Golden Girls old. But now I’m ready to saddle up and reflect on the things I’ve learned this far from this teacher called life.


38 Things I have Learned to Let Go of in My 38 Years

  1. Saying yes to every opportunity for money. (All money isn’t good money).
  2. Staying around toxic people (including family) because it’s socially and politically correct.
  3. Ignoring my worth and staying in business relationships long past the expiration date.
  4. Not standing up for myself even when I knew I deserved more.
  5. Letting go of physical, emotional, and verbal abuse from a toxic relationship.
  6. Letting go of my need to have everything perfect before I launch.
  7. Putting on smiles because I feel the need to be strong all the time.
  8. Not giving myself enough time to heal and process things that do matter.
  9. I let go of chasing a career that no longer satisfied my spirit.
  10. Being too comfortable in a situation and afraid to take the risk of the
  11. Worrying about things and people that I can’t control.
  12. Bad habits and making excuses that will lead me nowhere.
  13. Being hard on myself for not being further along in life and afraid of running out of time.
  14. Pushing others too hard because I see their full potential.
  15. Mom Guilt. Guilt. Guilt. (This will eat your alive)
  16. I let go of being afraid to make a mistake; they are healthy and natural.
  17. I let go of what I thought my life should be and accepted what I’ve accomplished thus far.
  18. Apologizing for outgrowing my old self and becoming the woman I am today.
  19. I accept peace, love, and happy vibes only.
  20. Anger is draining and mentally exhausting. I had to let it go!
  21. Ignoring my health. Mentally, Spiritually, Emotionally & Physically. Self-First.
  22. Not asking for help when I’m killing myself trying to be superwoman.
  23. Not appreciating and cherishing what’s before me.
  24. Not unplugging daily from social media and emails.
  25. Ignoring my mental health and the need for breaks.
  26. Putting off important things in life for work.
  27. Not letting go of past mistakes.
  28. Not traveling enough and doing things I love.
  29. Ignoring my passions.
  30. Negative self-talk.
  31. Putting too much pressure on myself.
  32. Being vulnerable.
  33. Hiding my true emotions to avoid confrontation or long talks.
  34. Refusing to accept when I’m wrong.
  35. Refusing to apologize.
  36. Blaming myself for certain outcomes.
  37. Not being a team player at times.
  38. Not protecting my peace much sooner.

What are some things you have let go of to have a happier and healthier life?

XO missy

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