VGM Spotlight on Stacey Larkins of Struggling Creatives

Struggling Creatives is a network that is dedicated to supporting and promoting artistic collaborations showcasing the creative underdog. When we came across the network, we were encouraged to see a community that was speaking up and raising awareness about everyone who was taking the leap and following their dreams. We had a chance to sit down and pick the brain of their fearless leader, Stacey Larkins.

Virgo Girl Media: How did you get the idea, and what inspired you to start Struggling

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Stacey Larkins: As a creative individual, oftentimes, you feel there is a lack of support, or understanding, for why you want to be involved in the arts, particularly from those who aren’t artists, whether they are family or friends. My goal for Struggling Creatives is to help network struggling artists with other artists, and showcase those artists who are actively pursuing their art, despite obstacles. Also, there are so many artists, that do really interesting and great things that you never get to see, because they aren’t mainstream; they operate purely in the underground arts scene.

Virgo Girl Media: What has been one of the biggest accomplishments as a result of

starting Struggling Creatives?

Stacey Larkins: Honestly, the biggest accomplishment has been meeting other artists, filming them, and sharing their art and their story. Being a part of that process has been very fulfilling.

Virgo Girl Media: What is your favorite way to network (attending events, social media, friends, other artists)? Do you have any networking tips for us?

Stacey Larkins: I have several ways to network, ranging from attending meet-up groups for artists, attending arts-related events, and speaking directly to the artists afterward, and definitely social media.

Virgo Girl Media: What is your five-year plan for Struggling Creatives?

Stacey Larkins: In general, my five-year plan would include growing a network of highly collaborative artists who are active in their fields and producing various projects of a collaborative nature.

Virgo Girl’s Five (Quick) Things to Ask:

  1. What would you tell your twenty-one-year-old self?

Work through your fears, and actively go for what you really want, and surround yourself with positive, inspirational people.

  1. How do you stay active?

Usually by going to the gym, but lately I need to pick it up.

  1. I start my day with . . .

The boldest cup of coffee I can get my hands on.

  1. Worst advice you ever received?

I think in general the worst advice I have received has to do with the notion of conformity. For many people there is a comfort in conforming, and those that do believe in conforming love to push that agenda. The bad advice I have had, which falls in line with conformity, ranges from being told “everyone hates their job, so get used to it,” to being advised not to speak my mind when I feel strongly about something, just to make others feel at ease, to even being ridiculed for the way I wear my hair. I am a strong believer in being true to who you are, even if you are going against the grain.

  1. Life motto you live by . . .

My main motto is that perspective is everything and a choice.



For more information or to share your art, music, or videos, check out the Struggling Creatives website. Find them on Facebook  or follow them on Twitter!

To submit to be featured on their site, end an email to Stacey Larkins.

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