Women Juggle and Men Stress…Why?!

One trait that stood out in the 2016 election when it came to potentially electing the first woman president was the ability to multitask. It just seems ladies hold this ability; we have seen mothers juggle work, home, children, the circus—you get my point. We can seemingly do it all on just a few cups of coffee, limited sleep, and without breaking a sweat. Yet, when men are handed the exact same tasks, it’s as if we’ve asked them to re-create the Mona Lisa stroke by stroke. Why is this? Is it because, from a very early age, girls must learn about developing and puberty, which comes with a bevy of craziness, while boys seemingly have it super easy? Girls have training bras, shaving, periods, waxing, makeup application; it’s rough. Boys learn about erections, wet dreams, and, if they’re lucky, how to shave their peach fuzz. Yes, we both have unnatural stereotypes we feel we must live up to but as our bodies change, women get the short end of the stick. So, as we micromanage all of this, most of us females just become natural at balance.

According to a 2013 study by the BBC, in certain instances, women really do prevail at multitasking: “Multitasking is getting more and more important in the office—but it’s very distracting, all these gadgets interrupting our workflow. It could be that men suffer more from this constant switching,” shared Dr.Gijsbert Stoet, of the University of Glasgow. However, there is some controversy whether this theory still rings true in 2019, as more research is being done and some are saying men and women are equal when it comes to handling tasks. A ScienceAlert article claims women just do more work than men; so does this imply we are more dedicated or committed to follow-through? I have worked in offices, remotely, in retail, and elsewhere, and I believe women have a nurturing ability as they kill it while they perform their tasks. So, in my opinion, this is definitely the best form of multitasking out there. Do you agree? Let us know.

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