Ask The Virgo Girl: Work-at-Home Jobs for a Mother of Three

Work-at-Home Jobs for a Mother of Three

Missy B. Salick. Virgo Girl’s Editor-in-Chief is passionate about helping creative’s and small businesses turn their passion into profit. She just launched The Virgo Girl Coaching, an extension of the lifestyle blog The Virgo Girl. 

Here, she shares advice on all things business. 


I’m pregnant with my third child. I’m a single mother and can’t avoid another year of doctor’s appointments, school delays, snow days, and whatever else pops up with having children. My boss is one school phone call away from firing me and I have no options on the table if they do. I have some college education but didn’t finish. I currently work as a receptionist at a dentist’s office. What are other job options out there for me?

Advice from Missy: Firstly, don’t stress yourself out during this precious time of being pregnant. I understand the stress worrying over what relying only on a single income can afford you, but try and relax. I would ask whether you have a special skill or talent such as baking, knitting, doing hair/nails, designing clothes—anything in that realm that you could start doing on the side and then advance into a business.

If not, some other job options that you can do from home include pet sitting, house sitting, Airbnb (if you have extra space), seeing as you are a receptionist you can apply for customer service jobs, sales work, being a virtual assistant, an answering service consultant, a survey taker, become a vlogger/blogger or virtual tutor. Go to Indeed and look at jobs in your area. Check out administrative jobs with flexible hours and schedules; some employees allow you to work part-time or three days a week. This may be a small start to allow more flexibility. You can also look for jobs that promote a healthy work-life balance, as they usually allow for more time off and more vacation days.

Here are 100 companies from 2017 that are great for working moms.


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