How to Write the Perfect Facebook Post and Increase Traffic to Your Blog

Facebook connects more than a billion people around the world. It is crucial that you use this tool to increase traffic to your blog. There are a few ways for you to engage with your audience and best practices on writing an engaging post.

Ask for Engagement

If you are looking for feedback from your Facebook audience, why not just ask them? A few easy ways to engage with your audience include:

  • Asking a question: Ask your audience what they think of your specific service or product that you offer.
  • Fill-in-the-blank statements: Posting a statement asking for a specific response (such as “The one Facebook tip I want to share is ________.”)
  • Photo caption: Posting a photo and asking for a funny or relevant caption. (#captionthis #photocaption)

Publish Posts Directly on Facebook

We find one best practice on all social media is to tag businesses or people. This increases engagement, as they are likely to share your post. A surefire way to ensure you tag the correct party is to post directly on Facebook where you can select from a list.

Have an Image and a Link

Including links to your website is a great way to drive traffic to your blog from Facebook. Pictures paired with links perform better, according to a recent study at Facebook.

We find success in posting a short interactive phrase and pairing that with the link we want our audience to click on.

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