xoSelf (short for Love Yourself)) is a weekly advice series where women can anonymously seek advice on topics about relationships, work, finding themselves or life challenges. xoSelf is responded to by educator & life coach Dr. Walter Hidalgo.
Dear xoSelf:
In the same month, my ex-husband moved out and my son went away to college. I am terrified of being alone, living alone and dying alone. I am super social and involved in alot of social events – but when I come home I feel super alone. I’m angry with my family for leaving me. I’m more angry at myself that I couldn’t make my marriage work, but that is only an excuse I tell myself because I know the marriage was shit. I’m only holding on to having a warm body to lay next to it. Help me; how do I be single and start over?
I am sorry to hear all of this. There is a saying that goes that with every year invested in someone you may need two times that to recover from them. That is to say, It is extremely important for you to take time for yourself to recover from years of parenting and being a wife. Instead of looking at what you lost, consider thinking what you gained back – time! Take this time to get to know you today by doing things you have been holding back such as a hobby, traveling, writing a book, etc. Consider this a new beginning!
Related article: xoSelf: I only have Online Friends and Feel so Alone