9 Rituals to Boost Happiness In Your Relationship

Whether you’ve been married for years or dating a special someone for almost a year, relationships take work. And that’s not a bad thing.

As human beings, we are complex and getting along with your loved ones, platonic or romantic, takes time and commitment. If you’ve been feeling like your relationship with your boo could use a happy boost, that’s perfectly normal. Just remember: It takes two to make a thing go right!

Here are 9 rituals to practice together to bring that spark back together.


1. Choose a hobby together

Spending quality time together is crucial to a happy relationship. But if you work full-time and raise children together, that time can be sparse. Find a hobby to do as a couple so you can bond when you have that free time. From reading a book together, playing tennis, taking pottery classes, and cooking a meal, pick a hobby you both are interested in to explore together.


2. Spend time outside together

Fresh air and sunshine can lift your mood and enjoying nature together can lift your relationship. Make it a point to get outside at least once a week to go on a walk, hike through a local nature trail, or sit peacefully in a garden together.

3. Check-in with each other before bed

Communication is key in a healthy partnership as your partner is also your friend! Get into the habit of asking each other about the other’s day and accomplishments before you get some shut-eye to allow yourselves the space to vent and connect with one another.


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4. Plan a goal together

When you make goals in life, it’s easier to accomplish them with someone at your side. And that someone can be your spouse! Build a plan and write it down to make the steps to work on it together and look forward to the end result.



5. Redecorate your home together

There’s nothing like refreshing your surroundings to bring back life into a room of your home. Whether it’s room renovations like revamping your bedroom or redecorating the living room together, get creative with your love.


6. Share responsibilities

When you have a lot on your plates, it can make things easier to split the workload with your spouse. Chat about how to be more equal in your relationship by making to-do lists to tackle things like who cooks dinner and who washes the dishes, or who plans the next romantic getaway.


7. Learn each other’s love language

Knowing your partner’s love language is vital to showing them how much you care in a gentle way. There are 5 love languages and here’s how you can practice them daily together:

  1. Words of affirmation: Congratulate them after a job well done or uplift them with their favorite affirmations when they are feeling down.
  2. Quality time: Use your off day or time after work to hang out together doing activities you enjoy. It can be as simple as cuddling or watching a TV show you like.
  3. Acts of services: Offer a helping hand in a project they are working on or make them breakfast in bed.
  4. Gifts: Pick up an item you know they’ve had their eye on to surprise them with something special for no other reason than to show your love.
  5. Physical touch: Give them a hug or hold their hand while spending time together to demonstrate how you admire the closeness of your relationship.


8. 2:2:2 Rule

Carving out time to self-care together looks like the 2:2:2 Rule: Going on date night every two weeks, weekend vacation every two months, and week-long vacation every two years. This is a great way to look forward to being alone together.


9. Say “I love you” often

When is the last time you or your partner have simply told the other that you love each other? Make it a daily habit of telling each other “I love you” at least three times a day with a hug and kiss.


Relationships are beautiful reminders that when you find your person, happiness is a consistent goal to achieve together. What are happy rituals you practice with your loved one? Tell us below by leaving a comment!

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2 thoughts on “9 Rituals to Boost Happiness In Your Relationship”

  1. Thanks for the tips, I talked with my honey about setting goals together and he loved the idea. We set a goal to travel every three months and to when we do see each other to do a hobby together. Having something to look forward to definitely helps us pass the time and miss each other.

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