How To Do a Sexual Health Check-In

Did you know that having a healthy sex life can make you happier?

Research suggests that when you’re actively taking care of yourself and your sexual appetite (either alone or with a partner), you help alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress.

If you aren’t sure how to get started on your wellness journey, start by performing a sexual health check-in by yourself and for yourself.

Here are 4 ways to check-in on your sexual wellness and start living your best (sexy) life.


1. Learn your body

Understanding your body and how it works is a vital first step in uncovering what you need to lead a fulfilling sex life. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What feels good to me? What doesn’t?
  • Have I been experiencing any discomfort or pain during intimate acts?
  • What excites me? What are some things I want to try in the bedroom?

Your pleasure and how to achieve it is the beginning of a happy and healthy relationship with your body.



2. Schedule a OB-GYN visit

Learning your body also means being proactive instead of reactive. If it’s been a while since you’ve last visited your OB-GYN, now is the time to go and check on your physical wellness.

Ask your doctor about a pap test (if you’re due for one as it’s important for women between the ages of 21 and 65 to have one every 3 years), pelvic exam, medications, pregnancy test, menopause, STI test, and any other concerns you may have.

Remember: It’s better to be safe than sorry!


3. Explore your interests

Intimacy looks different for everyone. It’s crucial to try new activities you’ve been curious about to keep things fresh.

Whether it’s a consensual kinks or toys, discovering your pleasure and what it looks like when you’re in bed alone or sharing it with a partner helps you to give and receive as best you can.

Keep in mind that the goal is emotional and physical pleasure so be honest and communicate your desires.


Related: 4 Tips on How to Maintain your Sexy During the Holidays

4. Talk about sex with your friends (and your partner if you’re in a relationship)

Let’s get real: Sex is a natural part of life. Discussing it with people you trust like your besties or your boo shouldn’t be taboo, but rather an open conversation to feel good about sex no matter how you’re having it.

Plan a girls night with your friends, a bottle of wine, and chat about your sexual experiences to vent or learn new things. Or plan a date night with your partner that starts with a truthful dialogue about your intimate relationship, and ends with some fun that brings you closer together. 😉

You deserve to be happy, healthy, and whole. That’s why recognizing when it’s time for a sexual health check-in is key. When was the last time you had a check-in?

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